Cha-cha-chain ...

Not Martha had an interesting link today to a life hack by Jerry Seinfeld about "not breaking the chain." Jerry's idea really spoke to me today. I've had a giant pile of great ideas for writing swirling around in my head for weeks and almost all of them have even been fit for public consumption, but most are still just floating around and not anywhere close to reaching anyone else. I've had a variety of excuses that involve things like "it's too late", "I'll have to make too many links and don't feel like the html involved", "I still need to mull that one over", "I'm not in a good enough mood for that topic yet", "I'm tired" and "I just posted yesterday so I should wait." Yes, apparently I've been telling my blog that I have a headache for weeks now and soon it's going to leave me for some younger slutty(er) blogger.

So I'm going to find myself a huge calendar or poster of some sort and start making writing part of my daily routine. Something physical and involving red ink seems more appropriate than any electronic tool. Not everything written might make it onto this web site, but it should at least keep my fingers limber on the keyboard (note to self: the longer my new acrylic fingernails get, the harder it is to type with any accuracy). I've also found that the amount of my writing relates to my overall happiness and good mood. I haven't quite figured out if I only write when I'm in a good place mentally or if writing significantly improves my mood. But if I can keep the chain unbroken for a bit, it may be a self-fullfilling prophecy where I'm pretty perky all around.