OMG BlogHer 2007 roxx0rz!!!!1!!

To say that my BlogHer experience is too much to write about would be an understatement. All I can say is that while I had a good time last year, I had a great time this year! My brain is full of so many great ideas, tools and new contacts I don't even know where to start. I have a giant list of new blogs to read and look forward to hearing everyone else's feedback as well. I also have some crazy ideas for my web site which I hope to implement in the next few weeks months.

There were over 750 attendees this year in Chicago and Elizabeth Edwards was the closing key note speaker. Regardless of politics, she is a fascinating woman and it was great to hear her comments. She graciously accepted an hour of questions from the audience and even came to the reception for a bit afterwards.

After six damn years, I think I'm finally getting the hang of this blogging thing. Last year I was so full of angst about what was the "right" thing to be doing with my web site and my voice on the internet. Now I know a lot more about how to get the information I need and take the rest with a grain of salt.

Oh and I met two other women with three-legged cats! I swear, it takes a village to raise a cat these days and I was very much at home this weekend. It was hard to get back to the grind of daily life once I got home, but I'm hoping to carve out some time for writing. I had forgotten how good it makes me feel.

I took hardly any pictures during the trip and never once dug out the dSLR. But I did a lot of absorbing instead and it was better for me overall. I can't wait for next year!