
So I was on the phone today with some Asian woman and she was rattling off various web addresses to me that she was experimenting with. She got to a point where she said "blah-blah-blah" but, being Asian, it came out "bra-bra-bra". I had to hit the mute button so I could snicker while she continued. Even saying it now makes me giggle. Life is very good these days. I went to the doctor for a checkup and was astounded by the wealth of technology they had. They took my picture and scanned my insurance card instead of photocopying it. Since I was a new patient, I was given a pass code to get on their web site two weeks ago and fill out all my medical history from the comfort of my home so I can look at a calendar to figure out the date of my last period and try to piece together what year it was when I had my appendix removed without getting stumped in the waiting room quiz.

My only suggestion for an improvement would be if they would give me a printout when I left that said what I had come for and what my weight and blood pressure and results where while I was there. If they can do that at BMW when I take my car in for service, they should be able to do that for me when I go in for "service".

On Saturday, we leave for Vegas for the weekend. The Puddin' will be treated to his first Cirque du Soleil experience as well as lots of blinking lights and good food. It should be a grand time.

I have ordered lots of sign language books and DVDs and CDs from Amazon (which I'm still waiting for to arrive since I picked the "when will they ever get here" shipping option). I am a language lover of any kinda and it can only help the Puddin' and I when we are both 80 (or when he's 80 and I'm a spritely 73) and neither of us can hear worth crap.

Wow, it feels good to write again after so long. I'll have to keep it up.

And lastly, I found this little visitor in my tomato garden tonight. Warning that the arachnophobic should avoid clicking on the link but all others can marvel and his fancy stripes.