Facebook Archive - March 2023

March 2 - I haven’t said much about Ian lately. Just after his 13th birthday in October, he was 5’9.5”. He’s now 5’10.5” and 193 lb. He has the baby fine beginnings of a mustache and is hungry most of the time.

Hockey season is almost over. The last playoff games are March 11. Meanwhile, he has started wrestling after school. We have to shove an alarming amount of calories into his backpack to sustain him until 5 pm.

His recent growth spurt has created a much higher demand for insulin. His basal rate and carb ratios are almost as much as mine were when I was 9 months pregnant with him. I guess he’s growing the equivalent of a whole baby, so that makes sense.

He has to suspend his insulin pump and preload with carbs before wrestling and he still gets in the car after practice with a BG of 83. We’re dialing in the numbers and I’ve bought all the snacks Costco offers.

Ian also wants to start kick boxing, but those practices are immediately after wrestling and he’s already gassed at 5 pm, so we’re still discussing that as a family.

His Ollie on a skateboard is much more consistently airborne. He’s done a lot of practicing of that lately and some of his shoes show it. He’s currently in a men’s size 10.

We bought a very tall cat ramp/staircase so Tobias can sleep with him and they pile on top of each other every night the same as when Ian was an infant. Stella and Ian watch a lot of TV together on the giant bean bag after school.

Ian will have entire conversations with me when he is dead asleep, which is maddening. I need to ask him more complex questions versus just simple ones like, “Are you getting up?” If he can solve for X, he can prove he will be downstairs within 10 minutes.

He does all his own laundry (including sport equipment), cleans his bathroom, vacuums his bedroom, changes his bedsheets, mops the kitchen floor, feeds the dogs, and can cook more meals on his own than some adults I know. He knows not to overmix the pancake batter and has strong opinions about what an omelet should look like.

His favorite subject is Algebra, followed by Earth Science. He has several quality friends that are a joy to have around. He has a fascinating question or theory for us almost daily.
