Pluses and Minuses

On the plus side, we had a great dinner at our local sushi restaurant. Since it's Monday, the place was deserted and we could let our toddler roam free. They love him there because not only is he the world's cutest little boy, but he eats his own sushi roll (with seaweed and salmon and avocado) and miso soup every time we visit. On the minus side, I got distracted and forgot to take my insulin with dinner. Then we drove home to meet my parents and give them dinner I'd cooked in the crock pot. Then I noticed it was gorgeous outside so we took the dogs for a long walk. And suddenly it was 8:30 and I remembered my dinner from 6pm. That would be why my blood sugar is 386. Sigh.

So while it was a good evening, I'm wiped out now all because of one stupid oversight. I've taken a gallon of insulin and am gonna have some water and go lie down. Here's to a better morning and no low blood sugars tonight.

Wait, is that my left or your left?

I bought myself a new laptop bag last night. Part of me felt like I need another bag like I need a hole in the head, but I really wanted it and it's a Timbuk2 bag so it will last forever. One of the customizations it offered was being able to make the bag "left-handed". I have a memory of making my previous messenger bag left-handed but their description this time had me confused. It said that the left-handed bag is worn over your left shoulder sitting on your right hip. But that's not how I wear my bag, despite being left-handed. I was so confused and worried about picking the wrong bag I started googling left-handed bags. Their blog talked about it more, but just continued to make me wonder.

Rich apparently wears his bags on his left shoulder sitting on his right hip and he's about as right-handed as anyone I know. So are we both backwards? If I don't wear something across my chest, it's on my right shoulder so that my left arm is free. And since I'm used to the weight over there, if it's across my body, I'll still have the bag on my right hip. As far as I understand, I chose "right-handed" for my bag even though I'm left-handed because I want the bag to go across my chest and sit on my right hip. Though, I think I messed it up in that I want the adjustable strap to be at the bag of the bag when it's on my hip and I think it's going to be at the front. Will that really annoy me or will I love the convenience of the cam strap being at the front? I know of my other bag with it at the back I've had things (or mischievous people) pull up the cam strap clip behind me and make it loosen up. But the loop can be bulky so I don't know that I'll want it in the front. GAH!

So because I am who I am, I'm convinced I ordered a custom bag that is right-handed when I even had the opportunity to make it left-handed and it will all be because of some big misunderstanding of whose left and right we're talking about. Like my old boss Harry says, "what do stupid people do?"

I guess they learn to use a bag that sits on the wrong hip.

Quiet hours

This will be brief as Rich and I have a date with DirecTV On Demand and the couch. But I finally figured something out today. I need alone time. I know, DUH, right? But I can't tell you the last time I've done something just by myself that wasn't a quick trip to the grocery store. So this morning after we all went to Panera for breakfast, I drove over to the office to work on the development backlog. And yeah, I'm sure I'm not supposed to want to do that, but after spending a few hours accomplishing that and having some quiet time with no one asking questions or proposing meetings or demanding we go to the Choo Choo Room, I felt like a new person.

I was able to come home just in time for Ian to have gone to sleep so then Rich and I could spend a little time eating lunch and relaxing now that I was actually relaxed.

So now we're going to watch cheesy TV and I might fall asleep on the sofa, but that's fine. I'm feeling much more agreeable towards spending time with others after having recharged a bit on my own.