Quiet hours

This will be brief as Rich and I have a date with DirecTV On Demand and the couch. But I finally figured something out today. I need alone time. I know, DUH, right? But I can't tell you the last time I've done something just by myself that wasn't a quick trip to the grocery store. So this morning after we all went to Panera for breakfast, I drove over to the office to work on the development backlog. And yeah, I'm sure I'm not supposed to want to do that, but after spending a few hours accomplishing that and having some quiet time with no one asking questions or proposing meetings or demanding we go to the Choo Choo Room, I felt like a new person.

I was able to come home just in time for Ian to have gone to sleep so then Rich and I could spend a little time eating lunch and relaxing now that I was actually relaxed.

So now we're going to watch cheesy TV and I might fall asleep on the sofa, but that's fine. I'm feeling much more agreeable towards spending time with others after having recharged a bit on my own.