Friday night cat blogging

Today has been a hard day. My crock pot creation didn't turn out as well as I'd have liked (though the two-year-old ate it, so that's something). As for the rest of my day, I don't really want to talk about it other than to say there aren't enough hours in the day to do all I'd like to do and that gets old. So all I have is my overweight cat pressed down on my mouse hand looking smug.

Smug cat is smug

Why the iPhone is my daily camera now

I wanted a new iPhone as soon as it came out. I don't normally get that excited about the upgrades and I have issues with how Apple eeks out newer versions every six months, but I needed that camera. The iPhone is my de facto camera these days unless I bring out the big guns of the Canon EOS 5D Mark II. I just weighed the Canon and it comes in around 4.5 pounds, which doesn't sound that horrible when you're talking about a half gallon of milk but is a little much for every day use since even my laptop weighs just under 3 pounds. So this week I finally have the iPhone 4S and I've been using it in ways I hadn't expected. For example, this evening Ian was taking a bath and started spinning like a rotisserie in the water. I picked up the phone with my dry hand, double-tapped the home button to get to the camera, switched it to video and took a minute or so of video.

Then I scanned through the video that was in there and took some screen caps of the paused video by clicking the home button and the power button at once. Finally, using Diptic, I took three pictures and made a montage of his happy face in the tub. It's not crystal clear, but any other camera I owned was miles away downstairs and not something I can wield with one hand while the other is covered in bubbles.

Oh, and all that editing I did was while I was lying in bed with Ian nursing him to sleep. So taking the picture and editing it and uploading it to Flickr was all done one-handed. I think I might put my point and shoot camera in the desk drawer for now. I'm happy to capture moments like this with "just a cell phone."


Cheese toast

All I have the energy for tonight is cheese toast. My newest passion is cheese toast made with Pepperidge Farm cranberry bread. I feel so strongly about it, I bought a toaster oven for the office so that I might have some there. I don't have time to tell you all the things whirling in my head, so for now just go out and buy a giant block of cheddar cheese and some cranberry bread and consider it my little gift to you.

Cheese toast