Office space

I have several weighty topics I'm itching to blog about but it's 11pm and I'm just now getting home from "high stakes bunco" so those will have to wait for another day. We did a relatively big shuffle in the office today. I went to lunch with Bossman yesterday and we discussed trying out shared office spaces. We couldn't do much yesterday since I went home sick, but as soon as I got to work we had a 9am meeting where I announced our game plan.

Our newest employee is so cute; she said, "so you think we'll move our offices sometime this week?" We were moving desks by 10am and had everyone in place by 2:30pm. We're not ones to dilly dally around much. Despite the 30 minutes notice on tearing my employees' offices apart, they all took it well. Here's hoping they find good things about the new space.

Meanwhile, I think my oatmeal is locked in a drawer of my disassembled desk behind a 4000lb lateral file so I'm not sure what I'm having for breakfast in the office tomorrow.

Seeing the positive in my car accident

I IMed Rich around 11 and said, "I'm not feeling so great so after my lunch with Bossman I might go home." Of course when he was leaving for lunch I told him I'd be coming back after lunch to "clean up a few things". He frowned but said OK.

Lunch actually made me feel a little better so I thought I might rally. But as I sat at my desk I was burning up but shivering. So I decided to finally give up and go home around 3pm. As I puttered down East Ocean View Ave, I daydreamed about how nice a nap would be. And then at 3rd Bay, the Tundra in front of me stopped short and I had to slam on the brakes. Right about the time I was feeling so proud for effectively using my anti-lock brakes, the Jetta behind me slammed into my bumper and pushed me into the Tundra.


Either I should have gone home when Rich frowned at me or I should have just stayed at work.

I must say for an accident it was the nicest accident I could have been in. Tundra dude was as nice as he could be and actually had no damage because I hit his tow hitch. And poor Navy kid in his Jetta felt awful and just kept telling me how sorry he was. I learned the Jetta is actually his mom's car because his car is in the shop from an accident he was in last week (that one wasn't his fault but he T-boned someone).

The weather was gorgeous, the two cops were very nice, no one tried to shirk responsibility, and I was home within 45 minutes. Ian was still at day care because Rich was picking him up (you know, so I could go home and rest). The Element is still very drivable in that the bumper did its job but the read tailgate still works and all the lights are intact. That Jetta, however, oof ...

We all shook hands as we left and I told Navy kid to get some rest. I still managed to call my insurance (USAA in the house! Such nice folks!) and be in bed by 5pm. So now I'm back upright from my four hour nap so I can do my NaBloPoMo post. At least I have something to write about.

When I looked at the police report, it said the Navy kid was born in 1992 and my first thought was "he's old enough to drive?!"

A good day

Today has been better. We all slept in until 9am adjusted time, though I did have to spend part of my "gained hour" cleaning up a river of dog pee (hooray using extra diaper inserts for soaking capacity!). I'm not sure what caused the random incontinence since they're both good about whining and they went out at bedtime, but maybe the entire box of dog treats the stupid cat knocked down and they all gorged on had something to do with altering everyone's system. I'm still under the weather, but we had a very nice day all told. Ian and I stopped by my parents' house and we all went for a walk to pull wagons. First Ian wanted Pop to pull him in the big wagon but wanted me to bring the small wagon too. Then he wanted out so he could pull the small wagon. Then he wanted to get in the small wagon while I pulled it. That's when Mamaw asked if she was supposed to get in Pop's wagon.

I can't say enough how much it pleases me to see my father smiling again. He still has his anxious moments but is a million times better overall.

dueling wagons