Goodbye Hiro

Hiro got out through the side porch door on Monday, we think. When we came home Friday there was still no sign of him. After trick or treating, I crawled under the house to look for him but he wasn't there. I hated our black cat to be missing on Halloween. This morning we walked the street looking for him but no luck. After we had set up the three pavilions in our back yard to dry out, I wanted to take a picture of them. I was trying to get a picture without our pool in it since the cover had blown in a few weeks ago and a leak has lowered the water level to a good two feet below the edge.

I climbed up the pool ladder for my picture but when I looked in the pool, I found Hiro. He had fallen in and drowned.

We just buried him next to Huxley beside the garage. I miss my cat.
