Recap of Living Out Loud volume 25: Always Learning

You all rock. I wrote about wanting to garden and Harry sent me a long email with tips on how to plant corn. I'm excited! Harry also sent me this:

About 1,000 B. C., Solomon wrote: "Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh." (Ecc. 12:12, KJV and ESV)

In 1994 A. D., I wrote: "What joy to awake every morning in a world so filled with things to learn."

In 2005 A. D., my granddaughter (then age 2 years, 8 months) said: "Granddaddy, there's so-o-o much to learn!"

This was a great topic to write about and read, so without further ado, let's see what you all are going to accomplish!

Rachel's You Learn That list sounds exciting! And yeah, learning to type with only a single space after periods has been hard for me too, but Twitter and the iPhone have helped with that. :)

Peg's NO Flash Photography! It's funny you say that because I turn my flash off most of the time and rarely use it. :) I'll email you some tips on how to get better pictures with no flash. Photography is a hobby near and dear to my heart!

Erin's I love a piano Great choice! Rich wants to do the same thing and we've found tons of great pianos for sale or free on craigslist from people just wanting them out of their house. My dad says we should get a keyboard to save space, but I don't think they feel the same.

SuziCate's The Fine Art of Unlearning Pottery! I want to do that too! (one day) And I have done so many dumb things with my sewing machine for lack of knowing better but it gets done one way or another. I thought of my father when you said you have to unlearn to learn. He is convinced that computers today are just bigger faster versions of the ones from the early 90s and it's painful to try to tell him otherwise! He could use some unlearning.

Deb's Always Learning Oh my heart goes out to you because my mom just had to take those damn tests for work and it wore her out! They asked the most bizarre things! You can do it - I have faith.

Megan's Grabbing the mechanical bull by the horns I think it's a great quality to be willing to try anything. I think I've also lost the ability to worry about making an ass out of myself. And we're better off for it! Now to find a mechanical bull around here ...

Grace's Always Learning Your two lists made me smile. I love the diversity of them both (and I have a similar wish list for talents too). I never thought about it from the aspect of being an expert on something for the recognition in addition to the mastery itself.

And my own This land is my land

I loved everyone's entries this month, but Grace's stuck with me the most. First her lists of things she wants to master make me crack up. And I just kept thinking about learning for its own sake versus just being about the recognition of the accomplishment. Her writing was really honest about what she thinks motivates her.

So Grace wins our prize this month! She'll get a $25 Amazon gift card (which I will email shortly versus slack on like I have in the past). I'm also excited to say I already know the topic for the next LOL and it should be neat. I'll hopefully post that by tomorrow.

Thanks for sharing, everyone!