Yes, I got Rich a porn machine*

Scene opens with me reading blogs in bed on the laptop while Rich rolls over towards me. Rich: "Maybe I should get a pretty blog too."

Me: "You never write in yours anyways. I just figured you hated blogging."

Rich: (rolling over in a huff) "Fine. I'm sure it's something more for private school kids like you."

Me: (rolling over to console him) "No! We can get you your very own domain name. You can be"

Rich: "No ... it's probably already taken."

Me: "We could get you"

Rich: "No ... it's probably porn."

Since it was available, I purchased as of this morning (from the laptop, from bed) and we'll get him a space of his own.

* Title comes from that episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where Ray gets a DVD player for Christmas.