Perhaps I should pick Decisiveness for 2009

For several weeks, I've been pondering what my word for 2009 would be. My 2008 word of Balance seemed to work out for me in the grand scheme of things and I feel worlds more balanced even in this last month than I have in a long time. I'm always one to wait until the last minute to do something so it only makes sense that I wouldn't get the hang of this balance thing until the last few weeks. I'm having a harder time picking a word for 2009, though. I will think I've found one and after a day or so I'll waffle and wonder if another word would be more appropriate. Balance was so easy to pick because it was something I was really missing and wanted to focus on in so many parts of my life. But I'm struggling to pick something that will be a touchstone for the next 365 days.

I've tried on each word for size and just can't decide. Home? Communication? Voice? Us? Joy? Personal? Allow? Nothing seems to fit quite right for an entire year.

I have until tomorrow to see what fits best. Stay tuned to find out which one I choose for 2009.