It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I would like everyone to take note that we have purchased at least half of our Christmas presents already and with little to no drama. People, this is basically unheard of! Alert the papers! (People still read papers, right?) I am a gift fretter. I second guess every item I pick up and wonder if I will find something else that will be more "perfect" at the next store. Rich is more of the "That looks cool. Get it." kind of shopper. So at some point we are likely to disagree about whether something should be in the cart or on our list. Today we were like a Well-oiled Shopping Machine! I'm not sure what has led me to just Chill the Fuck Out about shopping, but I'm enjoying every last minute of it.

I highly recommend the method we employed at Best Buy of browsing the shelves for an item and then ordering it through Amazon Prime for $5-10 cheaper. Normally I would fret about Best Buy suffering from this, but they're not one of my favorite stores anyways, so I'm not making it my personal mission to give them business. Just one more way I'm trying to leave the fretting behind for the rest of the year.

Since we're feeling so ahead of the yuletide game, I uploaded a few of my favorite peppy Christmas tunes through OpenTape for you all to enjoy. I know the We Three Kings song cuts off at the end, but that's how it is on the CD (transitioning into another song I don't care for).

Sleigh Ride is a song I have fond memories of from high school choir and think it's a completely appropriate song to hum whenever one is in a good mood, regardless of the time of year. Enjoy!

Peppy Christmas Classics - OpenTape Mix