Inspiration comes in size 10.5 AA

Yesterday after work, I headed downtown to find new running shoes.  Remember, I'm a lousy runner.  I thought that with my ability to make new running play lists, though, I could find a way to motivate myself.  After a lot of fretting about it, I decided to try my hand at the couch to 5K program. It was then I realized that I was using my most recent set of "running shoes" to tromp around in the mud sorting Rubbermaid tubs in my parents' backyard. I have always been a fan of New Balance because my feet are incredibly narrow and "low volume", in that they're not very tall. New Balance has a wide variety of widths and my absolute favorite shoe I've owned was a lightweight marathon shoe that was a size 10 AAAA. I still own those shoes even though they're barely adequate for mowing the lawn, but I just can't bear to see them go.

My last trip to the New Balance store, though, was less than satisfying and that's how I ended up with these ugly kicks that I only like wearing in the mud. It was time for something new. I decided to try my hand at Running Etc. so they could tell me what kind of shoe I needed.

The store is very cool because they actually watch you run and suggest what kind of shoe you should get. They first had be run in sock feet and she said "do you always run like that?". Uh, I guess so. Apparently if I'm not wearing shoes, I run up on the balls of my feet like I'm in dance class. Hooray muscle memory.

running like the windShe found me a pair of New Balance shoes in a narrow and directed me to try running again. I made it three strides and then face planted all over the carpet like there was a sniper in the store that took me out. Apparently the toe box on those shoes was a little on the big side and if you run up on the balls of your feet it's easy to trip. I was fine other than my wounded pride, so we decided to move on to other shoe options. After trying on about four different pair, I put on a pair of Asics Gel Nimbus shoes. As I made my return jog back to the bench I realized I was grinning over a pair of shoes. And when I took them off I was hesitant to give them to the sales attendant to put in the box. Apparently, I had found my favorite shoe, not surprisingly also one of the most expensive shoes in the store.

Tobias in my new shoeboxI bought a few pairs of fancy socks to complete the package and I jogged all over the downstairs of the house last night to try them out. I haven't decided if I'm going to start my first day of running/walking Friday or Saturday, but I'm hoping I'll become an honest to goodness runner someday and not just someone who scowls with envy at runners.