That's how we roll in the OV

We're about to close on our new house Monday, which means we will have two homes (and two mortgages) in the neighborhood known as Ocean View in Norfolk, Virginia. Rich has been exceedingly patient with me and my unreasonable desire to only look for homes within approximately three square miles of our current home. We have literally ruled out houses for sale while walking the dog because of their location. Rich: "What about this house? It looks nice." Me (warily): "I don't know. It's kind of far away." Rich: "You do realize we got here on foot from our current house."

Finally, though, we are both content because I have a house that is still walking distance from the beach I love so much and the parents I love so much and Rich has a two car garage and a yard large enough to hold our own camping events. (The site is wet; no original containers. Pets must be on a leash at all times.)

In an effort to explain that I'm not the only one who has this fierce commitment to a zip code, I started collecting vanity license plates that had an OV theme. It's starting to get out of hand, so I decided to post what I've amassed so far. There are several others that traffic (and stalking) laws have kept me from snagging, but I'll get them eventually. Vanity plates are only $10 a year in Virginia and what better way to show your "spirit" than with 6 to 7 cleverly arranged capital letters and numbers? Click the image below to see the entire set on Flickr.


Oh, and as a special Friday night bonus feature, I offer you Double Dog: Vlog Challenge from Video Gum. I can't stop watching Gabe's resulting video because the lipsynching makes me laugh uncontrollably every time! I also should make a video response to Gabe because he makes fun of LiveJoural and I won't stand for LJ haters.