green alligators and long neck geese

my kitty nurse

The area around my keyboard is littered with snotty tissues. I've been drinking coffee, sugar-free cocoa and green tea out of the same mug for three days and it looks like it. My RSS feed reader is completely bare and I feel like I've read everything the internet has to offer. I had a bologna sandwich for dinner tonight. Yep, I'm officially sick. It's been quite a while since I was sick, so I suppose I was "due" for it. But I've been taking my Zicam religiously as well as some various decongestants. I just hope this passes quickly.

Rich and I tried to do some Christmas shopping today but between my snotty nose and his sore shoulder we lacked a lot of motivation. I jotted down some idea on the iPhone to follow up on online and we each found a thing or two in Eddie Bauer (that store is our weakness with all its clothing in tall sizes). That was about all the excitement we could stand for one day.

Until we got home and it was puppy romping time (complete with sniffly commentary)!