Love is in the air
Since it's a lovey-dovey kind of day, I'll give you an update on us two love birds. We officially have a wedding date and location. We're getting married on June 9, 2007 at my old high school in Norfolk, Virginia. Before you get images of my throwing the bouquet through the basketball hoop, we're renting the refectory, garden area and the covered areas surrounding them. It will be lovely, I promise.
We are in the midst of finalizing our guest list, which is rather extensive but relatively low drama. Rich's mother asked what color dress my mother was wearing (apparently my mom gets first dibs on a color?) but I have yet to even pick a dress myself, so all that will come with time.
There will be alcohol, catered food, lots of music, a dance floor and fresh flowers. The rest I'm not really worried about.
Now just to figure out everyone's addresses and modern last name spellings so we're not addressing envelopes to Lord Arglebargle ap Hispop and Lady Heywhatsherface ArnDudersdottir.