Let's talk about socks, baby.

I have been dabbling in knitting for over a year now. I keep all my projects fairly small since I'm convinced at any moment that I'll run out of steam and just punt on knitting as a whole. But so far, it's going well. I've finally decided to take the plunge and make a pair of socks. I must be the last knitter on the planet to tackle this project, but I wanted something that was still small in size, but a little more than a random bag for scarf.

Last year, I bought a commemorative knit kit from the American Red Cross. It was spendy, but I justified it by $20 being a donation and $5 being actual materials. The kit comes with one skein of olive drab wool yarn (that doesn't feel very woolly, but I'll believe them), 4 plastic red double-pointed needles (ick, plastic), a plastic darning needle, and retro instructions explaining which Red Cross facility I can deliver my socks to when I'm done.

I'm going pretty slow, but haven't hit any snags yet (HA! snags!) so I hope to have two socks done by Christmas. My wildest dream would be to make socks for gifts, but I know better to think I can go much faster than I am and then there's always the dreaded "Second Sock Syndrome" to fight. I could have gone with two circular needles to avoid that, but wanted to go all old school for my first pair and see if I can follow through on them.

Here's my progress so far (click the picture to link to the Flickr set of my first few stages). I'll be sure to update once I have any more exciting sock news!

sock #1 in progress