Rock n Roll Lifestyle

I have since turned my very first knitted tube into a digital camera cozey. Envy me and my camera cozey. The recent posts would also be evidence that I have a new camera and I'm all pleased with it. Believe me, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. The Puddin' is away this evening doing prep work for the Richmond Hockey Fights Cancer game on April 9th (mark your calendars). Since I would have to come back tonight, we decided I should just stay home. But it's just me and the pets cleaning house waiting for his Snuggliness to come home.

Which is very soon to be our home. The very last of his belongings is coming back tomorrow in his truck minus a few odds and ends we'll pick up on Sunday. His lease ends at the end of the month, which is just around the corner and then we will officially be "roommates" or something more scandalous. With my evening being chock full of bologna sandwiches and sorting the cd's in the living room, I'm not feeling very scandalous.

I managed to purchase a lot of our Easter basket goodies ahead of time this year and am very much looking forward to assembling them tomorrow. No Wal-Mart last minute nightmares this year. But it is hard to make an Easter basket for people who either can't or shouldn't eat sugar. Lots of plastic grass and stationary and toys...

It's finally spring and this is one of my favorite times of year. I called the Shed Guy today and he will come out next week to assess it's proposed location in the backyard. Only a few months behind schedule, but I'm hoping I can convince him it's a shed emergency and we can get it done in the next few weeks.

To perk up an otherwise boring entry, I give you these images:

This truck has been near my house for days with a For Sale sign in it. I thought that it was some sort of "security system," but the Puddin' cleverly deduced that the truck probably has a bad parking brake. Either way, I'm not sure that it makes for a good selling point.

I have given up on trying to keep my dog off the furniture and have just started trying to train her to only lie on her "special blanket" on the sofa. She passed up a pile of fresh clean underwear on the other side of the sofa for that blanket. She is a very very good dog, indeed.