A Standard Update
Been piddling around with my colors and stuff on LiveJournal. I'm more pleased with the organization of it, but I must admit that while there are tons of options in the template setup, at night after a long day of work, it usually just makes me feel stupid when I can't get the thing to do what I want. Been thinking a lot about cosmic things lately. I've noticed a theme in a lot of parts of my life that I crave a sense of community. Dan said today in one of our meetings at the office that "we have to rely on each other in order to get things done." It just seems like a constant in my life. I might be foolishly optimistic. But I just keep thinking that so many things work better when people can and do rely on each other and work together. Maybe I'm just babbling. I can't seem to put it into words the way I want to right now, but talking to Rich about it on the phone last night seemed to help it make sense in my head.
Life is really really good these days. I'm feeling better about work lately and am optimistic again about the chances of my getting some free time and some real progress done in the office. I say this while I'm watching my employee give a demo to chinese people online (it's 9:30 in the morning there). But all in all I'm pretty pleased.
Things are in the works for us to take a trip to Vegas for Labor Day weekend. I'm amazingly excited about this. Rich has never been before and we'll be at the Venetian again. I'm already working up my bankroll and searching for the shows we'll see. Vegas really is one of the funnest places on the planet. We are giving up going to Pennsic for this, but all in all I think it's a much better plan.
And just for fun, I found this amazingly weird web site at Liberty University. I thought about this when I couldn't find my shoes in the office to go to dinner (I had left them under Bossman's desk from our phone meeting in there). I guess I really do like working at a place where I don't have to wear shoes unless absolutely necessary.