DLand - Safety First ...
A Boring Update It's been a long while. Let's try to recap as best as we can. This may be boring, but at this point I just have to spew out what's rolling around in my head.Thanksgiving was good if a little odd. I'm used to spending Thanksgiving on the road and in the company of a large group of family and friends. It was one of those holidays where Jeremy and I both had time off but neither of our parents were despondent if we travelled and only showed up for Christmas. But this year, Turkey Day was at my house. Dinner was at 6 and my family showed up at 5:45. Yes, this means most of my Thanksgiving day was spent with my pets. But once my perennially tardy family got there, we had a good time. I even got my parents to come back Saturday for leftovers and to check out the Dance Dance Revolution game (no, none of them danced - only watched). My father has figured out where/how to mount the new microwave in my kitchen and I think I've convinced him to replace the fridge as well. That's really all I want for Christmas. And I even own the appliances. I just want them installed. Right now I am living the life of two fridges (the old one in the kitchen and the high tech one in the dining room). It's a little decadent and a lot of fridge space for just little old me. So if you need to store any food for the year 2003, just let me know. My house also hosted a menagerie of dogs. Casey and Connor both came to visit over the holidays and I came to appreciate the life of only having one dog. Mostly there's a lot more fur with three dogs than one and when the new dogs are black, they don't really match my carpet. But they had a grand time frolicking in the yard and barking at trucks and generally being rowdy mutts. It was a good holiday for them as well. I'm officially not ready for Christmas. I have only small inklings of what I want to get folks and have yet to buy a single thing. I also hope to get my Christmas tree this weekend to help put me in the mood. Mom says she has tons of decorations and lights and garland, but as always the hard part is finding it. I'm not holding my breath, but she is going to look for me all the same. I also have a new toy at work - one of those Compaq Tablet PCs. I must admit, I am pretty impressed with the handwriting recognition built into it. And who could ask for more than a laptop that you can doodle on. It just rocks. I've been trying to learn more about my new digital camera and become a little more skilled at action photos. But so far any decent photos I take are dumb luck. I can tell a steady improvement, though, in the clarity of them. Maybe by the end of the season, the hockey players won't look like blobs. Ah, and the neatest thing I saw today was on my package of string cheese I had for lunch. (Mmm. String cheese and chocolate mousse cake ... the lunch of champions.) At one end it declared: Safety first! Open with your hands - not with your teeth. Um what other sorts of products/people should have this warning, I wonder?