DLand - She is the Boxer ...

So I was looking for this particular cd in Planet Music last night. I knew the song was called “The Boxer” but not the Simon and Garfunkel one (although a good tune as well). And I wanted to say the artist was called Coal Flats or something. But couldn't be sure.So I asked the guy at the counter. He looked in his database but no dice. So then he started calling every radio station in town. He was a man on a mission. I asked if he had web access from the info desk and he frowned and said no. Bastards. I knew I should have looked this up for sure before I came there, but I was hoping luck would be on my side. Info Desk Boy was unsuccessful and looked actually really disappointed. I told him I would let him know if I found it in the store. And then I used the web features of my cool cell phone - specifically I called Bossman and had him look something up for me online. I told him the limited info that I had and he said he would call me back with an answer. Three minutes later, he had an artist, album and record label. The band is Carbon Leaf - not Coal Flats. Whatever. And they only had one copy of the cd in Planet Music. It's now mine. I went over to show Info Desk Boy and he was shocked. I then explained the perks of my great web phone. I also suggested they do something about their database in the store. Maybe my company can design one of those too. And the cd is excellent.