DLand - How Do You Get a Doctor's Note for This?
Has your job ever made you physically ill? Sunday night you start counting the hours til you have to go back to work. You feel sicker and sicker. You can't sleep but yet that's all you want to do. And then when you wake up Monday morning like someone has a gun to your head. You'd give anything to stop time and just stay under the covers. I've been feeling physically ill at work lately. Some of it is sympathy pains for Bossman. And some is just this nagging feeling that any second some random customer is going to call in an unjustified maniacal rant over some unrealistic deadline for an impossible development task. And then I'll want to barf.
As the week progresses, my stomach has been getting less knotted at work. The queues of requests are getting smaller and the answers are coming easier than expected. It's all going to be okay.
Don't ever let anyone tell you that "being your own boss" is the greatest. Not having a boss (or working for a small company) is only a walk in the park if money grows on trees. The real world is many more shades of grey, my friend.
Overall I really do love my job. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I got a thank you card in the mail yesterday from a university. I didn't think the help I offered was monumental, but apparently my technical support partner and I did some great things for them that helped them sleep better. I hope she doesn't feel sick on Sunday nights.