DLand - Very Different Vans Indeed

So Shawn's wife, Linda entered a track race once and was so sore the next day that she couldn't walk down her apartment stairs but had to scoot down on her ass. I laughed until I just drove home today and was picking up my left leg to put it on the clutch everytime I had to shift gears, cursing the fact I didn't own an automatic transmission ...

Today was my second ballet class and it rocked. I'm much more into it than the African. Muscle memory is your friend. The really frustrating thing is that I know what my body is supposed to look like but I can't physically make it do the positions yet. It's getting there. Like molding clay over many weeks.

This past weekend was the Theunis wedding. Friday morning was spent with some slight bickering in the Genie/Jeremy household over packing the car and when to leave etc. Such is life. Then we get to Jason and Shannon's to meet the glorious minivan! It may as well have been gilded for all of its beauty and storage capacity. It basically made the trip to Jersey a gazillion times more pleasant.

It was like having two cars. Shannon and I had the girl cabin in the back and the boys chaffeured us around the Northeast. It was supreme.

The wedding was absolutely beautiful. We were at the New Jersey Botanical Gardens and the weather was perfect. Sarah was radiant in her dress. Theunis married a babe! It was a medieval wedding and I must admit I was not really prepared for it. I just didn't really understand the concept of it. It seemed foreign to me.

But then again, I try to have separate yet equal interests and don't like to mix my modern and medieval hobbies. I'm a purist. The reception was odd. It was too much like an SCA event. I felt awkward not working in the kitchen. But overall it went well. One of my highlights of the reception was visiting with Amanda - an old Black Diamonder who I hadn't seen in forever. She looked great! Gorgeous hair, lost weight, happy nature. It was joy to visit with her.

Sunday was a whirlwind trip back home. Basically it took all day. It didn't help we detoured to the Philadelphia art museum to see some medieval goodies. And it didn't help that we decided to do this *after* we had already passed it and had to turn and go back up north. But all was well. I got some snazzy pictures and we saw the illumination exhibit on its last day.

Today and yesterday were the first of many training classes held at the office. The office looks like something out of Better Homes and Gardens - no, Brookstone - we have two many electronics. Where else are there two computers in the kitchen and a web cam on the fish tank? I love my job! So Tuesday night we're working our little tails off getting the Bose speakers hooked up in the conference room. We decide about 10pm to run the cable through the attic. Me - Monkey Girl - got to climb up in the attic. It was actually quite fun. Other than the fiberglass lung I got from huffing and puffing around up there. But the place looks amazing and all the trainees were much impressed.

OH! And the cable man comes on Saturday! Cox Communications has not forsaken me! I will have a cable modem! It will be fast! I will have a wireless gateway so I can sit on my toilet and surf the web on my laptop! I will stop using exclamation points! Ok, stay calm. But now I am torn as to how long to stay in my house. I would like to move at some point, but our little dream home is not under the Cox scope yet. Soon. Soon.

When I was driving home this evening I passed a late 80's Dodge Caravan that had been slammed to the ground with baby tires and aluminum rims and all the tags pulled of it. It takes all kinds.