Facebook Archive - June 2022

June 8 - Ian was able to go to a friend's birthday party on Sunday and had a great time. The birthday boy's mom sent some really heartwarming photos of the kids together. It makes me so happy to see Ian have quality relationships with other kids.

June 8 - Ian and I also had some heartfelt talks lately that have gone a long way to resolving conflict and allowing us both to feel heard. That felt like an ongoing victory

June 15 - Ian and I went to get his phone screen replaced under warranty (for FREE), so that was cool. He does a great job of keeping his phones in good working order and it's nice that if something out of his control happens we don't have to pay for it.

June 15 - Ian has been spending lots of time with his friends online and in person and it's really great to see him so happy and supported by his peers.

June 15 - “Hey, Mom, what’s your favorite letter?”
“Uh … I guess -“
“Oh, c’mon, this is an easy one.”
“It is?”
“Yeah, it’s E. Everybody’s favorite letter is E. It just rolls off the tongue. When you’re scared, you say Aaaaa! But when you’re excited, you say Eeeeee!”
“What about ooooo?”
“No, that sounds like a caveman sound. Not as good as E.”

Facebook Archive - May 2022

May 11 - Ian had a really good day yesterday, which was very welcome after some declarations earlier about how everything sucked. He skateboarded in the afternoon, made a new friend, and "almost got an assist" at his hockey game.

May 14 - I walked out of my bedroom and scared Ian, causing him to shriek at me. He gets that from his father. I yelled the same thing I used to yell at Rich, “I LIVE HERE, GOD DAMMIT!”

May 18 - Ian has a sleepover on Saturday that was reported to be "the best sleepover EVER!" He and his two friends did not sleep at all that night which made them all sorta worthless on Sunday, but it seemed like a worthwhile event.

May 31 - Ian: “When you make a fart noise with your mouth, what kind of mouth shape do you use?”