Facebook Archive - April 2022

April 6 - Ian has an official diagnosis of strep/scarlet fever and we have started him on antibiotics. Knowing the issue is helpful and knowing the solution is in progress is even more so.

April 6 - Ian finally picked out two pairs of shoes so I can throw away the pair he has with giant holes in them.

April 20 - Ian had a great endocrinology appointment. He continues to get taller and leaner as puberty does its thing. We got the scripts he'll need for summer camp too.

April 25 - Between Ian’s appetite demands for dinner and my inability to keep up with the Hello Fresh delivered meals, I’m running my own cooking show where I combine three very old Hello Fresh meals with other staples from my kitchen to create a Whole New Meal!

Tonight was vegetarian chili with sweet potatoes and ground pork added, plus air fryer green beans and cast iron pork chops.

Facebook Archive - March 2022

March 10 - Today is the 10 year anniversary of Ian's potty training weekend. I have this [wild child] photo framed and right outside the downstairs bathroom.

March 19 - I planned on Ian getting quality time with some horses, but he is stuck like glue to all the dogs. These are Otis and Willow, the Great Pyrenees that guard the farm

March 23 - Ian and I had a fight yesterday. It was a classic situation of him wanting to stunt like he's grown but have the protections and accommodations of being a child. He's still not speaking to me this morning. And this photo came up in my memories and made me smile.

March 23 - Ian was infatuated with the Great Pyrenees and the Newfoundlands. Really every dog we found was his new best friend. I think it did his soul good.

March 23 - Ian had a really rough Monday at school, centered on middle school interpersonal bullshit. Honestly, many of the challenges he faced will be the same for adults in his life. I took him to Doumar's and we talked about how we can't change how other people act and we can be the best version of ourselves.

March 30 - Ian came to me late last night with a safety concern for one of his friends and we sprung into action. I'm so proud of him for recognizing a friend in need and finding an adult to help him. I'm also proud of my fellow moms for being great resources and proud of the Norfolk police department for being reassuring sweethearts.

Facebook Archive - February 2022

Feb 2 - We picked out a snowboard and bindings for Ian to use for the coming years. We still need to get boots, but we’re making progress. I also got my skis and poles from our local shop and am pleased with how they have treated us.

Feb 2 - Ian made a new recipe for me in the air fryer last night that he found on TikTok. He liked it so much he made it again for breakfast.

Feb 9 - Ian and Mom both got haircuts over the weekend and Ian had his annual "well baby" visit to say "yep, that looks like a 12-year-old." We went to sushi afterward to celebrate.

Feb 13 - Air fryer 1/2 pound burger. Ian ate two of them tonight.

Feb 15 - Me, rubbing on Cash and singing a made up song: “Who’s the best dog? Cash is the best dog!”
Ian, indignantly: “What about Stella?!”
Me: “Who’s the best black dog? Cash is the best black dog!”

Feb 15 - Ian: “Doggie!”
Me: “Where??!”
Ian: “Oh. It was just a tree shaped like a Newfoundland.”
He comes by it honest.

Feb 16 - Ian has reunited with his buddy Alex and I'm delighted to see him again. I like that kid. He's not walking distance away anymore, but it's well worth the 10-minute drive to retrieve him.