Facebook Archive - January 2020

Jan 14 - Ian’s grade is having a field trip to the Chrysler Museum today and we got an email from school telling us to talk with our kids about nudity in art. As Ian walked out the door this morning, I yelled, “Have a good field trip! Watch out for naked people!”

Jan 15 - I'm replacing Ian's carpet. For the last 12 years, his room has been the only space where the animals have chosen to empty their stomachs, bladders, or bowels. Carpet cleaning isn't doing the job anymore and so I'm nuking the site from orbit. A dude is coming to measure the room tomorrow morning and we'll have new carpet in there by next week sometime. Ian and I are both very excited.

Jan 29 - We have new carpet in Ian's room that's glorious. Ian scored a goal and an assist in Saturday's hockey game. He also climbed to the top of the wall several times when he went to the rock gym with Shrop, which was a big boost for him.