Facebook Archive - September 2015

Sept 10 - Ian's lunch: water, half a turkey samdwich, three meatballs, cheezits, strawberries, a Hershey kiss. It's a challenge to get him enough food he can eat in 30 min. #goodbyn #kleankanteen #whatkidseat

Sept 10 - Day two of school and Ian declared last night that his teachers were 'mean'. I asked why that was. 

They made him throw away the last of his cheezits at the end of lunch yesterday. He said the lunch room teacher told him, 'Lunch is over. Time to throw away your food.' 

'But I wasn't done with my cheezits and I was still hungry. They made me throw them away.'

I told him he could have probably just put the lid on his lunch box and eaten them at Jenna's but he said, 'No, Mommy, I have to do what the teacher tells me to or I'll get in trouble. But it's a stupid rule. We only get 30 minutes to eat lunch and I really need like 40 minutes which is ..... 9 MORE MINUTES ... wait, 10 more minutes.'

I told him I would do everything I could to package foods he could eat quickly and help him out.

He's learning a lot of life lessons already at school. And a side of math.

Sept 20 - Sunday, 6:30am, in a tent in our back yard
Ian: 'Mom?'
Me: 'Yeah?'
Ian: 'Did we do it?'
Me: '?'
Ian: 'Did we camp outside?'
Me: 'Yep.'
Ian: 'Yay! ... Camping is cold!'