Living Out Loud volume 23: It. Was. Awful!

In high school, our driving instructor was Mr. Beverly. He was an odd man, but I learned to parallel park from him and consider myself a safe driver. Anyways, Mr. Beverly had a large L shaped scar on his chin. He had colloids so it was pretty pronounced. As teenagers are want to do, we showed little reservations on quizzing him about said scar. His answer was always different but followed a theme:

"Me and 18 girls in one elevator. It. Was. Awful!" "Me and 18 girls on one bicycle. It. Was. Awful!" "Me and 18 girls in one bumper car. It. Was. Awful!"

You get the idea. I never learned how it really happened or how many girls were actually involved. But he was good-natured about the questions.

Yesterday, Rich left for his hockey game while Ian and I were supposed to follow along after a bit to watch it. In the two hours between when he left the house and reunited with us after the game, I managed to split Ian's lip open with my fingernail getting him in his car seat and he then fell in the parking lot and bloodied his nose. No scars ... yet. But Rich's first question was definitely "what the hell happened and why is our son covered in blood?" I just responded, "you shoulda seen the other guy!"

All this got me thinking on the physical features we have. Some may be that elephant in the room like Mr. Beverly's chin and some may be more subtle. Are they all as noticeable to others as they are to ourselves?

Miss Britt wrote a whole post recently about her eyes and how much they've pained her in life while I'm much more captivated by her curly hair and great smile. And then Karen Walrond (who I LOVE!) just published her book called the Beauty of Different. Her trailer has photos of so many lovely people I've had the pleasure of meeting and they have qualities that make them unique, some of which they may have wished didn't exist but make them interesting to others. Stephanie Nielson was badly burned in a plane crash, but finds so much joy in just being alive it's contagious.

What about you makes you physically different (and by Karen's definition beautiful)? Have you always felt this way about yourself? Tell us about your scars, either the ones we can see or the hidden ones. What's that thing a little kid would ask you even though it would mortify his or her parents?

Details include:

  • Write something personal about yourself using the previous paragraphs as a guideline. Do not feel that you have to address each prompt above. The spirit of this project is to share something about yourself; I'm just throwing out ideas.
  • Once you have completed your entry and posted it, please email me the link at genie [at] inabottle [dot] org. Remember, if you don't email me, I'm likely to forget to include you in the recap!
  • If you do not have a blog to host your story, you can email me the story directly and I will add it here as a guest post giving you credit. The more the merrier!
  • The due date for entries is Sunday, December 5th (the first Sunday of the month) at 5pm Eastern.
  • Once I have collected all the entries, I will post a wrap-up to list them all and announce a winner. The winner will receive some sort of prize to be determined but all participants will receive fame and glory and a link on our Living Out Loud blogroll.

Explain those elephants away!

Celebrating World Diabetes Day

Today was World Diabetes Day and it completely kicked my ass. I woke up at 5:45am with a blood sugar of 448. I took a bajillion units of insulin, drank some water and crawled back into bed trying not to puke. It was with hope I checked it again 2 hours later only to find it was still 323. So I replaced my infusion set and waited. After an hour or so it was down to 240, but I was ready for some breakfast. I ate my usual expecting all this to just sort itself out. No such luck. When I checked again at noon it was still at 322. Sigh.

I was hopeful when it worked its way down to 135. That turned into a sweaty, queasy 45 by 2:30. And after eating a bowl of cereal for lunch and to fix my sugar, I thought we could put all this behind me. Nope. By 4pm it was back up to 343.

I'm happy to report that my blood sugar is currently 111. Let's think of that as a lucky number and see if it holds.

And the annoying thing is I have no idea why it's been so high. It's just like my body wanted to remind me I was diabetic today so I wouldn't let the day go by like any other.

I must admit, though, it made me not think so much about my stiff wrist. It's all relative.

Oof what a day

Long day. Good day, but I'm flat out exhausted. Woke up at 7, had breakfast at Panera, went to Sports Authority when they opened at 9, CostCo when they opened at 9:30 and the Dump furniture store when they opened at 10. Bought dining room table and chairs. Stopped at Target and got small table for my sewing machine. Left to try to get Rich a haircut, decided on takeout Subway.

Took the boy home for his nap. Filled back of the minivan with clothes and sundries for the thrift store. Assembled sewing table, folded tons of laundry, put away groceries, fed boy lunch.

Went to get hair colored and cut, left to have dinner with CurKat. Returned home, had bath then read books then put the boy to bed while Rich installed shelves over the changing table. Tried to work on another pair of pants for Ian but my wrist is really sore.

Going back to the living room to watch Rich play Fable III and ice my wrist.