not a single hand-stitch to be found

It is nice to go to the sewing shop and when they ask what you're making to not have to explain 400 years of medieval fashion. I just told the sales guy I was making pants for my toddler son and he nodded knowingly, pointing to the appropriate kind of elastic to use. I left with six yards of elastic and a plan to make some pants this evening. Yeah, my wrist still hurts but dangit I wanted to sew something, something simple, something where I didn't have to draft a pattern first but could just copy something I'd bought and put it all together.

I used a serger on all the seams. I put elastic in the waistband and I machine hemmed everything. It sort of felt like cheating.

But an hour after dinner, I have dino pants!

Dino pants!

Of course my little dino is asleep so we'll have to wait until tomorrow to see how they fit. Now if I can just convince the cats that they don't need to snuggle all around the iron. Time to go ice my wrist.

medical advice

I went to the chiropractor today to have him look at my wrist. I did something to it last month and I've been studiously ignoring it for all that time, yet it refuses to get better. For all my father's love of chiropractors and Rich having gone to several, this was my first visit. I've never had a reason to go until now. I liked this guy; he was very reasonable. But in the end, he didn't have any quick fix for me.

We talked about my impressively heavy child, my habit for ignoring things that hurt and the demands of being a parent. So as he told me that I need to work on "behavior modification" to let my wrist heal, I asked him if he had ever watched Hee Haw.

Because I just went to a doctor saying, "doc, it's hurts when I do this." and he retorted, "well, then don't do that!"

Back in the swing

I haven't been to a doctor since just before Ian was born. I went to so many doctor appointments while I was pregnant, and then we had a newborn and then I just didn't get around to making the appointment. But in a fit of organization after Gary's "well, why didn't you just do it?" crap the other week, I have an eye doctor appointment Thursday afternoon and I went back to my endocrinologist this morning. It was good to see him again. We had a nice chat, he went over my labs and told me they all look good. He asked how I knew how much nursing would lower my blood sugar and I told him "we're doing a lot of winging it these days".

And that sort of explains why my A1C was 7.2. I'm okay with that. I'm still doing healthy things and we're getting better. I expect that to go down by our next visit in March. I won't get getting those 5.7s like I had when I was pregnant, but I'm okay with that too.

As my doc said, "things are just more complicated now. But you're doing well." Indeed.