Genie Alisa

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And we're off!

Buckle up, we have a lot to cover in a short amount of time. We just returned from a lovely time at War of the Wings in "oh my God why does North Carolina have to be so wide why aren't we there yet?!" Winston-Salem. Ian's fifth birthday party is this Wednesday at the Cloud 9 trampoline park.

Then Thursday Rich and I get on a plane at 6am to head to Nashville. He's going to get his blood work done and a CT scan in preparation for starting the new drug trial. We get home at midnight.

Next week, we are flying back out to Nashville for the week. Rich is getting his first dose of the new IV drug on Tuesday the 28th. They'll monitor him all day to make sure his head stays attached. Then he'll get blood work on Wednesday. We will hang out on Thursday because no blood work is needed then. Finally on Friday, we'll do one last blood draw before hopping on a plane home. We'll land just in time for trick-or-treating with Ian. I have to figure out how to pack TPN for a week.

And then Saturday we're hosting Crown Tournament.

Once we get to November, Rich will fly to Nashville every Tuesday for lab work or IV treatments until January. Then we will finally settle into one trip every three weeks.

More updates from the road!