Genie Alisa

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Recap of Living Out Loud 29: On Writing

Writing about writing? How meta! But you all rose to the challenge. I can't get over how varied the entries can be while still reflecting the theme. You all amaze me every month. And we had two new participants this month! The more the merrier! Let's see what we all wrought/wrote: Grace's Move over Joss, Tehre's a new sheriff in town This was a great post. I have been trying to pay more attention to what I watch, read, experience etc. Go ahead and fly to the moon!

Rachel's Writer first, blogger second I myself have wondered at the idea of a "topic blog" like diabetes etc. It's hard for me to see so much of my life through that lens. But when it's done well, it's interesting to diabetics and non-diabetics alike. Good writing is good writing.

Brigit's Hair Waxing Experience Brigit chatted with me about this a bit last week in my backyard. I wish I could have recorded our conversation and played it for you because it was awesome. Nothing is ever like the magazines say. That's one of the things I love about the Internet.

SuziCate's Writing For The Soul Of It I love the line about "I'd rather be writing than publishing." The quotes are awesome and the sentiment is similar to my own.

Peg's My Right to Write Your last paragraph got me all misty eyed. All very awesome reasons to write and I'm so glad SuziCate helped you get your start.

Erin's The How and the Why First, I have always loved your blog name. But the pack rat in me has to keep all archives forever! And I thinking writing with your grandma in mind is something everyone should do.

Megan's Fireflies in a jar I love the idea of Tink seeing this new aspect of your writing. Like when we realize our parents have lives other than us.

Sally's Why Do I Do This? Hooray newcomers! So many of us struggle with the whys. But someone needs to chronicle the fact that the house didn't burn down today.

Ruth's Completing a Breath Reading that you have bought pens off of strangers makes you my new hero. You need a big cape with a pen on it! And yes, it's a need. I struggled to put words down for this topic myself today even after having so much enthusiasm for it.

And my own No such thing as too much information

This one was a toughie. I loved so many of these entries! But I'm declaring Peg the winner. Her last paragraph in particular just really struck me of the fervent need to write, much like Ruth's need to rip pages out of magazines or buy pens from strangers. I also love that Peg is writing so much these days. I'm jealous a bit. And I think that kind of dedication also deserves a reward.

So huzzah to Peg! And thank you to everyone for playing along and joining in the fun. Every entry means a ton to me and I'm so glad you have fun with this too.