Genie Alisa

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Recap of Living Out Loud volume 26: Tempting fate

I'm telling you guys, you all rocked it this month! I really enjoyed reading all the entries. So many stories of change meetings and golden opportunities and perfect storms. So let's see what we've got ... Peg's Twists of fate A life time can hinge on the difference 10 minutes can make. Makes me think of the couple on the train where they go backwards from their child being the next president to him switching trains to be on hers.

SuziCate's Doggie friends Love the dog photo! I've always wanted a standard poodle or poodle mix but Rich is not a fan. Maybe we just need one to find some long lost friends.

Erin's Fate on the high seas I may have to quiz you on what cruise life is like. Rich read some Reddit article and now never wants to go on a cruise ever (not that he was a fan before, what with the sharks and all). But I like the idea of all that live entertainment and feathers and fun!

Jen's No answers here Talk about a lot to live up to for your mother. But fascinating all the same. I love when you talk about your parents; they seem like such good folks. And hooray birthday topic! :)

Terry's Semester abroad I remembered the drug trial story but was riveted and grinning through all the rest of it. I love stories of the vagabond years (which could include the present even depending on one's perspective)!

Megan's Audition or destiny? I love Ben's line at the end. It made me grin. And who knows, you may have seen him another time, but it wouldn't be the same. This is your story and it's a good one.

Ruth's The last 0.38% Oof, this just ... oof. Stars aligning and just hoping you get the best you can. Using the choices you to have to their maximum and not beating yourself up over the ones you don't.

Candice's Doggone It Our wonderful dog Sarah was not always so wonderful. I can remember sobbing to my ex-husband saying we can't get rid of her because who would take her?! But over the years she turned into a great dog. While it was rough in the beginning I'd still take her home if I had to do it all over again.

And my own Great things come from shelving

I'm torn on a winner! Ruth's entry just really ... man, the number of ways their encounter could have never happened. And would that have made a difference? It's wonderfully written and haunting.

And Jen's entry ... first, our deadline was on her birthday (Happy Birthday, Jen!) and then to have her very existence be a cornerstone of her mother's faith. I don't consider myself a religious person, so hearing about how others choose that path is fascinating to me.

But I got all wrapped up in Terry's entry! One knows German and the other knows Spanish so that covers ... two countries. How bad can it be? And I learned what an arrondissement is. I've enjoyed being a voyeur on the "ridiculousness" that is his life and am super pleased he wrote all this.

So this month's prize goes to Terry. He will receive our customary $25 Amazon gift certificate. But I do want to note that Jen and Ruth get honorable mentions so they both get a resounding HUZZAH for a job well done.

As always, thank you all for participating, whether it's writing, reading or just pondering what you might write if you had the time. I look forward to our next topic!