Genie Alisa

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What hath Lo wrought

This is for ... the date was October 29, 1969. I copied this from an article on the development of the internet. ---

Using a dedicated phone line, researchers connected the computers at UCLA and Stanford. To test the link, students at UCLA would transmit the work “log,” and the computer at Stanford would respond with “on.” Students at both sites were hooked up by phone so they could verify each letter as it was sent and received. When Charley Kline at UCLA sent the “l,” his counterpart at Stanford acknowledged its receipt. Then Kline sent the “o” – so far so good. But before he could send the “g” the system crashed. The next attempt was successful, but “l-o” marks the moment the Internet uttered its first word.

That “lo” turned out to be as significant as Samuel Morse’s “What hath God wrought” and Alexander Graham Bell’s “Watson come here I need you,” yet nobody remembers it, says [Leonard] Kleinrock [UCLA professor and internet pioneer].. “Morse and Bell were a lot smarter than we were,” he says. “They knew they were doing something of historical importance. We were just engineers, trying to do a good job.”


So there you go, Lo, - your name is famous.