Facebook Archive - October 2019

October 3 - Fingers to temple. Margarita on the table. Homework is like that. Ian and I went up to this fellow mom as we left the Mexican restaurant to offer solidarity.

October 7 -We tried something new for Ian’s hair. Oh my God, blue hair dye is not for amateurs. But both bathrooms and the kitchen are spotless now.

October 7 - Ian (curled up to me at bedtime): “I found out something today. On the Internet.”
Me (holding my breath, totally casual): “Oh?”
Ian: “You can get free stickers!”

October 8 - The binder notes didn’t work out. Ian loved the drawings and info but other kids teased him so he didn’t want to open it at school. Plus he didn’t want to “read ahead” on the sheet. So we’ve switched to notes at the breakfast table. He was so pleased, he drew his own note for me on the back.

October 16 - Me: “Dude! What is this stuff in the tub?”
Ian: “Oh. I think it’s deodorant.”
Me: “What?”
Ian: “Remember how I told you my deodorant exploded? Well, I was putting on my deodorant in the shower ...”
Me: “Whoa whoa whoa. No. Why?!”
Ian: “I thought that’s what people did!”
FYI wet deodorant is disgusting

October 22 - 10 years ago, I made this person. Ian got sick Sunday night and has been coughing like crazy. I had hope he would recover quickly, but he’s still down for the count this morning on his birthday. It’s also picture day for his hockey team tonight. With luck, he’ll feel good enough for that.

October 22 - Someone is feeling better and can use his indoor S’mores maker.

October 23 - We had a parent teacher meeting this morning and I asked Ian if he had any concerns. He is upset about where he sits in one classroom and I couldn’t understand the layout. I brought out a stack of paper and said, “Draw your classroom.” I expected a squiggly Visio diagram but got this. 😂 Technically that’s from his perspective. 

October 23 - Ian assures me that his school photo looks good. I have to take his word for it since he lost the form.

October 31 - Ian: “Trick or treating is EXHAUSTING! Even if I stay home and hand out candy.”

Facebook Archive - September 2019

Sept 3 - First day of school proof of life, 4th grade edition. He slept in that shirt after getting toothpaste all over it before bed. I had to wash out the toothpaste and dry it this morning. 

He has outgrown two of his hoodies sometime this summer and a third is ripped beyond repair. The only remaining one was not super clean but he wore it anyways. 

I really need to pressure wash around the laundry room entrance. 

We were gonna be barely on time except he had to poop. I followed him in the car so I could lock his bike and save him a little time. He was 1 minute late, but we made it. (oops, actually 6 minutes because school starts at 8:55 and not 9am)

No mimosas for me, I’m off to work.

Sept 3 - Ian reported that his first day at school was really good. 179 more to go.

Sept 4 - During the “Age of Sail” (1571-1862), it was assumed that 50% of sailors died from scurvy on any given trip. This fact brought to you by my lime margarita conversation with Ian over dinner.

Sept 5 - This morning we covered why air feels cooler when blown through a small hole and warm through a big one. This one came from trying to cool off Ian’s cup of coffee.

Sept 9 - In the car on the way home Ian tearfully said, “I guess this is better than not having any dogs.”

Sept 20 - “There’s one thing I don’t understand.”
“Just *one* thing?!”

We’re watching Clue. 

Ian: “This is sorta boring. But it’s also sorta exciting.”

He made me rewind so we could watch the “flames on the sides of my face” part twice.

Sept 25 - First jersey with his name and number on it.

Sept 29 - I’m trying something new this school year. Ian is buying his lunch so there’s no lunch box. But there is a binder he uses daily for his school work. So I made some #BinderNotes on card stock for him (and all of you).

Facebook Archive - August 2019

Aug 14 - “If I leave the dishwasher open, I want you to put your dishes in it and not walk around it to put them in the sink.”
“I didn’t see the dishwasher.”

Aug 28: Ian: “He wasted his courier ...”
Me: “His what?”
Ian: “He wasted his courier ...”
Me: “... Oh! Career!”
Ian: “Yeah! That’s what I said!”

We also talked about how “aloha” is not the same as “hola” and that most Hawaiians don’t, in fact, speak Spanish.