Newsletter: Month 17

Dear Ian, You are 17 months old and I believe Dickens said it best when he wrote, "it was the best of times. It was the worst of time."

Everything for you is either the greatest thing you have ever experienced or the absolute harshest tragedy a toddler has ever had to endure. That changes from minute to minute. The funny thing is that GrandDaddy has complete amnesia of how your uncle and I were at this age so he keeps saying he doesn't remember us being this fretful. He surmises that you may grow up to be very impatient. Your father said that if that were true, you would also grow up to crap your pants and always need help getting on and off the sofa. We like to believe that this is just a phase.

Don't get me wrong, it has been awesome. But it has been busy. So busy that I'm barely getting this newsletter written while you're still 17 months old. A big milestone that happened right around your "birthday" is that you realized Daddy was part of the family and not just some dude that hangs out with you and Mama. You learned his name. You ask about him when he's not around. You show occasional enthusiasm when he shows up. You point him out when you see his photo (or any hockey player on the television).

But nothing compares to the joy that Elmo brings you. We didn't start this Elmo train, but we're along for the ride. Good gracious, if there is a fuzzy red person anywhere you will find him and shout his name. It works out pretty well, though, because we can get you to do most anything as long as it's Elmo-endorsed. So you now have an Elmo toothbrush and Elmo books to read before bed and an Elmo doll to carry places and an Elmo gardening set to help Mama in the yard. It's all Elmo all the time.

You've learned how to play golf out in the yard. Well, you've learned how to swing a small plastic club at anything and everything. You also have learned how to swing Daddy's wooden sword at his shield in the garage and are really working on your form. It's been frustrating that you want to spend so much time outside because we find ourselves standing on the deck trying to explain that it's cold and windy and getting dark and might be time for some dinner and bedtime. You just shake your head no and head off into the yard, undeterred. As your father said, "it's gonna be a loooong summer."

We're prepping for warmer weather by getting memberships to the zoo and the aquarium. You rawred at the lions and the zoo! You also rawred at the fish in the aquarium. Rawr! is a very versatile word for you these days.

We're still all in the bed together and you're still taking up more than 50% of it. You don't "sleep through the night" (I'm not even sure what that term means anymore) but if we're lucky you only stir twice a night and some Mama milk settles you right back down. You are prone to nightmares, though, and you swat the air (or me) while yelling NO! at the top of your lungs. It's as if someone suggested you might put on a coat. But this and the kicking and the squirming we all take in stride because most mornings you wake up, look over immediately and grin "Hi!".

Why hello to you too, little buddy.

playing in the yard

Love, Mama

Newsletter: Month 16

Dear Ian, This week you turned 16 months old and there's no shutting you up! You even talk in your sleep!

You used to grunt and squirm for milk while we were lying in bed, but Saturday morning, you actually looked at me and said "milk?". How can I say no to that? And then when we finished on one side and I thought you'd fall asleep, you signed your hands together and said "more!". Ok, bud, we can do the other side.

I'm mindful of a friend who said she nursed her daughter well into her third year and it was fine other than her screaming out in the grocery store, "but I want the OTHER SIDE!!!" That will be us soon enough.

It's awesome to watch how your vocabulary grows. "More" and "all done" used to only be for food, but now they relate to anything. Daddy took you to the new playground and it was great to be able ask if you wanted to stay on that swing or try something else. More or all done was all we needed. And this weekend, we discovered you can squeeze yourself into the little wagon push toy so we can race you around the house. Daddy would start in the downstairs bathroom and tear through the house til you landed in my arms on the living room sofa, your head thrown back and squealing the whole way. As soon as you stopped you were immediately signing "MORE!". You're wearing us out, kid.

So now that we've taught you all this language it sometimes pains us to see you use it. We went to a toy store and you saw a toy with animals in it. You roared at the lion, then took it off the shelf and signed "help" wanting us to open it for you. Daddy had to remind you that despite your mother's bad influence we can't open packages in the store.

We also had our first episode of brand recognition in that same store. You saw a pull out couch with Sesame Street characters on it and blurted out "ELMO!" We didn't even know you knew who he was but apparently we weren't leaving that store without an Elmo couch. Thankfully it was on sale.

You're fascinated with music, so the whole family has been getting into it. Daddy has played the guitar more this last month that in all the years I've known him. And while I bought a ukulele for you to use as your own "guitar", I've been teaching myself to play after you go to bed. We've got xylophones and drums and radios and everything you can imagine. It's like an Ethel Merman show in our kitchen!

You mimic everything we do and that's awesome. We were doing the Charleston to some goofy song one evening and you kept rocking back and forth trying to do the same thing. I'm actually amazed at all that you can do!

Every month I say this is my favorite month, and again this one has been the tops. It's also been one of the most trying as we work through your mood swings and try to explain some of life's few restrictions (e.g. not playing outside in the rain when it's 35F). But those moments are few and far between compared to the dance parties, giggles and high fives.

I was getting you dressed for bed after your bath last night and you had an empty bottle you were messing with. When I sat you up to put on your shirt, you chucked the bottle and it hit me right in the face. It scared me more than hurt, but I frowned and said "No! We don't throw things. That hurt Mommy." and signed for hurt. Normally you laugh this awkward laugh but this time you got really serious and looked down at your toes in shame. You really did feel bad about it. I asked you if you could kiss my cheek to make it better and you beamed, lunging for my face and smacking your lips.

All is forgiven, little guy.

coy little boy

Love, Mama

Newsletter: Month 15

Dear Ian, Recently you turned 15 months old and ... well, frankly your mother has been behind. I just realized when I went to write this letter that I never posted the one from last month! It's been a blur.

There's a country song that says "if we make it through December" but I contend that January is much harder and honestly January has been hard on your mama with wrist pain and ear aches and the cold. I just assumed that hormones combined to going back to work were to blame last year, but I noticed a distinct lack of photos and videos this year as well. It's just hard to keep up.

But this isn't about me, it's about you and woo boy you've been busy! Your vocabulary is exploding! You can sign hungry/food, water, milk, more, all done (ta da), help, and we're working on hurt. You also can say yogurt (go-guh) and apple sauce (ah saws) and yes (one of my favorites). It's so wonderful to talk to you every day because we can see more of your personality and really know what you want/need.

We installed a DVD player in the minivan for you. Some would say it's bad for your brain, but I say listening to a small child scream in frustration at being strapped in a car seat versus happily chatter with Thomas the Tank Engine is bad for everyone's health. So we strap you in and you request "choo choo" and even know how to turn the player on with your foot. You're a very clever boy.

Since last month, your father and I have taken two business trips and left you home with your Grandma and GrandDaddy. We were nervous the first time since we were going all the way to San Diego, but everyone survived. And this last trip, Daddy and I went to Toronto for a few days and you had your little routine so everything worked fine. It was nice to come home from our long flight Friday night and find you peacefully sleeping on the air mattress in the living room.

We got you your own air mattress for downstairs because your grandmother can't carry all 29 pounds of you up the stairs to go to bed! It works out well, and I admit to using it myself a few times to relax watching TV. You've been sleeping better and finally stopped eating non-stop (for now). You still only have six teeth (four upper and two lower) but they're doing a great job. But I sense another growth spurt coming on.

We wondered if you would find any sort of lovey to take with you places. We've purchased a few stuffed animals and a few small blankets to give you some options. But of course, you chose a gigantic cotton blanket. You couldn't pick one of the 9000 light muslin blankets but picked the one that could be used as an apron for getting x-rays. I'm just grateful you found something to comfort you besides nursing since that's not always convenient. And thankfully we have a spare blanket or two should we need them. You just have to drag this giant thing around with you.

Cousin Helen said once that this was the perfect age because you understand most of what we say but don't talk back much. I don't know that that's quite the case, but I can say this is my favorite month so far just because your so fascinating to hang out with! Then again, every month so far has been my favorite.

You and I went out on a date to a Super Bowl party last night while your Daddy stayed home to pace and yell at the television. You had a blast! You chatted with everyone there, showed them all your Batman books, happily ate white chicken chili and quesadillas and guacamole and cookies and went to sleep in time for me to watch the last quarter with just the adults. Just before you got sleepy, you went around the room to all the ladies offering smooches to them all. There was many a swooning woman that evening as you had them all wrapped around your finger. I know you have me wrapped around yours.

watching the world go by

Love, Mama