Facebook Archive - August 2023

August 17 - Dropped Ian off to visit Uncle Lee this week. I got to see all the home improvements and meet the new dog.

August 28 - I blew a fuse in the kitchen this morning and my shower repair leaked so we didn’t get a morning back to school (8th grade) pic. Then there was flooding downtown when Shrop went to get Ian. So this is Ian fresh from the shower making himself a pre-dinner snack and messing with the dog after school. He’s all broad-shouldered and tall now.

Facebook Archive - July 2023

July 3 - Ian goes through an alarming amount of trail mix these days, so I decided to buy the ingredients in bulk and mix it myself. Subscribe and save helps the cost, but that’s still $60 worth of ingredients on the counter. Now to see how long it lasts.

July 8 - Ian came off the ice and his legs were steaming. He had to come off the ice early because his blood sugar was plummeting. He was so frustrated to stop before the end of the hour. I get it, dude. It’s a lot of math to manage.

July 13 - Ian and his bestie made a blanket fort in the TV room late last night and Stella discovered the unfamiliar mass in the dark at 7:45 this morning. She sounded off. If there had been an intruder in that blanket fort, they would have wet themselves.

July 14 - Ian (looking at my drivers license): “You’re an organ donor? What did you donate?”

July 14 - Ian’s phone screen died so I friended him on Discord so he could reach me until the replacement comes.

Facebook Archive - June 2023

June 1 - As of his quarterly endocrinology appointment this morning, Ian and I are the same height and weight (6’ and 200 pounds). That also means Ian grew 1.5 inches in three months. #twins #163months

June 26 - I picked up Ian from lacrosse camp today and he had a good time. His blood sugar was 110 after running around all day, which impressed me. When we got home, he showered, ate two 1/3 lb cheeseburgers, and took to his bed.

June 27 - Seriously. So stinking proud of how well Ian manages his blood sugar in unpredictable environments (like running around in the sun all morning). He stuck the landing just in time for 12:30 pm lunch.