Facebook Archive - January 2022

Jan 3 - Ian and I went to the Va Dept of Health (at the old Macy’s) today for a Covid test. They were open 2-6. We arrived at 1:30 and the line wrapped around the building. It was snowing and windy and hell out there.

We were able to get a number and return to our car to be called. That took until 2:30 standing outside.

Ian and I were numbers 441 and 442. They only had 500 tests today. We were tested and able to leave by 4 pm.

These are PCR tests so it will be at least two days before we get results.

Jan 5 - Ian got sick Saturday morning with what appears to be the flu. We still don't have test results back from our Monday PCR test, but he is fever-free and needs no additional insulin. He's still asleep as of now, but he's on the mend. And Shrop and I feel fine, so I'm calling that a win.

Jan 12 - Ian is back at hockey after his illness all last week (which was NOT Covid according to our PCR tests we stood in the snow for). He’s enjoying it and I’m super happy for him.

Jan 14 - Ian and I did some drawing this evening. Our prompts were woman, flowers, river, king. The first four are his and the second four are mine. His raccoon king is my absolute favorite!

Jan 16 - Every heartbeat in the house is in my bed. Maya is in the bottom left, Tobias helping Ian with his game, Cash, and Stella sprawled half on top of Cash.

Jan 19 - Our cows got out this morning when Ian woke up to realize his insulin pump had died. So I finally called Medtronic support and a replacement pump will be here tomorrow before noon. I've been fixing to get ready to call about the battery errors for over a week but today was the day! Progress!

Jan 19 - Ian and I still fit in our ski pants from two years ago, so that saves us some cash. I also found our goggles and other gear.

Jan 19 - I introduced Ian to Wordle yesterday. He got yesterday's tricky word in 4 attempts and then asked if there were any more. It's a lesson in patience for him to wait for a new word each morning.

Jan 24 - Shrop to Ian: “I love you very much. I’m proud of you. Now shut up.”

Jan 24 - Shrop to Ian: “You need to be careful. The world is not child-safe.”

Jan 24 - Shrop: “What are you thinking about tomorrow?”

Ian: “I’m thinking I’m gonna go kick some ass on the slopes … and then we’re gonna go to urgent care.”

Shrop: “That’s my boy!”

Jan 26 - Ian posted but didn't break anything! We went for x-rays last night to confirm since he said his arm really hurt. He will heal fine, he just needs to rest it.

After his backward fall on Saturday, Ian was able to get back out there and snowboard some more. By Monday, he could manage all of the greens and even did a blue trail with Travis (better than waffles).

Jan 31 - Ian and I took the dogs to Two Brothers Dog Wash after they came inside covered head to toe in mud. I also had to scrub the floors and sofas and doors and everything they touched. It was awful.

But they are gorgeous now and were given nasty duck feet as treats for their good behavior. Cash loves the feeling of the high velocity dryer and I love the effectiveness of the high velocity dryer.

Facebook Archive - December 2021

Dec 8 - Shrop bought dress pants, dress shoes, a belt, and dress socks for Ian to wear to his orchestra concert on Thursday. Our salesman was super competent and Ian will look dapper. I just have to hem the pants tonight. If you'd like to invite Ian out somewhere fancy before he outgrows these items, he's ready!

Dec 12 - Ian made pasta primavera for dinner tonight all by himself, thanks to Hello Fresh.

Dec 13 - The heat was a little too high for the chicken frying, but we rescued it. Ian just said, “And to think just 40 minutes ago I was but a young lad who didn’t know how to make a Cajun chicken sandwich with potato wedges.”

Hello Fresh meal success. Ian didn’t want to cook until suddenly he did and he’s beyond proud. Also, he learned that if you plop the chicken versus dredge the chicken in the flour, it makes a big mess.

Dec 15 - Not only has Ian been cooking the Hello Fresh meals this week, but he's also perfected his own three-egg omelet with veggies and spices to make as a late-night snack. And he's not burning the butter anymore!

Dec 15 - Ian had an insulin tubing issue at school Monday and we did our troubleshooting over the phone. I was able to drive in and give him a new set of tubing and he was back in business. I love that Ian has all that under control and doesn't need me to manage it.

Dec 22 - Ian, Shrop, and I watched the Matrix on Friday and it has stood the test of time over the last 20 years. I’m excited to see the latest one very soon.

Dec 29 - We had a lovely and very chill Christmas. Ian and Harrison had a kids table all to themselves and nerded out without having to endure grown-up talk. Ian made place cards for everyone and that was one of my highlights of the day. They were so good!

Dec 29 - We went to Ian's endocrinology appointment yesterday and the doc was delighted with how Ian is managing his health. It is 100% him too. I only add tape to his sensor on the back of his arm once a week. His A1C was 7.2% which is fantastic for a growing hormonal kid. Shrop and I are super proud of him.

Facebook Archive - November 2021

Nov 9 - Ian and I have been playing “We’ll Meet Again” on repeat in the car. I had no clue where he found this song until he told me Pop told him about it so he looked it up. I think it will make us smile for years to come.

Nov 17 - Ian got his second Covid shot on Saturday and while he's felt like hot garbage for several days, he's turning a corner now. And we know he's busily making antibodies.

Nov 24 - Ian got a fantastic haircut from a new stylist named Sheila. She did a great job and we're all very happy with it. His next one is already booked for Dec 23 so he'll be fresh for Santa.