Facebook Archive - January 2017

Jan 2 - I am committed to letting Ian do what he wants with his hair and grow it out. But man I wish it would get long enough to stay behind his ears and out of his face. There's a cute kid under that mop.

Jan 4 - Me: 'Ok, bud, let's go. Are you gonna bring your hoodie?
Ian: 'I'm already pretty sweaty from my bike ride and skateboarding so I'm just gonna be my own coat. A human coat.'

Jan 13 - I'm equally proud that he can text me and annoyed he can't find his own damn shoes. #86months #iputthembacklasttimeiusedthem

Jan 20 - Ian: 'After Daddy dies are there going to be big changes in the house?'
Me (thinking he means furniture or something): 'No. Not unless you want to.'
Ian: 'Like Daddy doesn't like it if I say 'crap' but you don't care. So after Daddy dies I could say it.'
Me: 'Well, yeah I suppose.'
Ian: 'But I'll still know he doesn't like it in here [points to his heart]. Daddy and his rules will still be in here.'

Jan 30 - "Mommy, I'm sorry I can't fall asleep I just keep thinking about Daddy and about Ms. Kitterson and how cute she is and about Minecraft and what I'm going to build next and that's a lot of stuff in my brain."

Facebook Archive - December 2016

Dec 5 - Tonight, Ian asked me giggling "Hey, Mommy, what's under there???"
#50months #milestones

Dec 7 - Ian said that yesterday afternoon one of the other kids at the bike rack marveled at the washrag he produced from his backpack to wipe down his seat from the rain. 
Kid: "Wow, your parents must be really smart to think of that."
Ian: "Yeah, that's how we are in my family. Smart."

Dec 16 - Ian and I tried to watch "a Christmas Story". He was super upset that Ralphie's little brother couldn't put his arms down and couldn't get up from the snow. Also the father griping while working on the furnace disturbed him. Once Flick got his tongue stuck to the flag pole and the teacher lectured the class about it, we had to turn it off. That's my boy. #sensitivesoul #empath

Dec 17 - Ian is learning how to type contractions (we're, wasn't, doesn't) and punctuation (question marks and exclamation points), both on the keyboard and the iPhone. He's well on his way to writing his first novel.

Dec 23 - Ian, upon discovering a calculator and using it for subtraction: "Oh my God, you have *got* to try this!"

Dec 24 - I installed Scrivener on Ian's iPad today so he can write his stories.

Dec 24 -I came upstairs to turn on the shower for Ian and he was bustling around his room naked.
"What are you doing?"
"Cleaning my room. Santa's coming."
He won't clean with that fervor again until a date is coming to his apartment.

Dec 31 - Lunch with Ian and we've discussed drug dealers vs pharmacies and gay marriage. Seven year olds are pretty awesome.

Facebook Archive - November 2016

Nov 16 - Ian came in last night from playing outside in the dark.
Me: "I'd like you to wash the black tar off your hands, please. And is this blood? I don't see a wound but there's a giant smear on your arm. You been fighting off bears in the driveway? Dude, it's all over your shirt too."
Ian: "I think it's Jack's blood." (licks his arm) "Yeah, that's Jack's blood. He fell off the truck."
Me: "Well, I didn't hear any wailing. Go wash Jack's blood off of you and get a clean shirt. Then we can eat dinner."

Nov 20 - If I was president ... "I would live in the White House where the president works. It will be hard work. I would help the community. I would make sure everyone is safe. I would go to the Navy the Army and the military. I would go to the Oval Office. I would change the schools to be nicer. I would change meetings. I would change the world to make it a better place."