Facebook Archive - May 2015

May 1 - The latest 'Stories From Your Mouth' series I'm working through involves James the shark who works at the aquarium. Tonight they went on a field trip and he had seaweed for lunch (I didn't want to get into the 'fish are friends not food' issue.)
Ian: 'If I were a shark, instead of seaweed I think I would prefer seaweed salad.'

May 9 - I asked Ian to pose on his two-wheeler with no training wheels and got this triumphant move. Apparently my dad (George Powell) taught Ian to ride while we weren't paying attention. #wolfpack

May 14 - Rich: 'I kinda want you to see Mad Max with me. It's gotten great reviews.'
Me: 'Enh.'
Rich: 'It's being lauded as a feminist victory.'
Ian: 'What does that mean, Daddy?'
Rich: 'It means chicks like it.'

May 14 - Me: 'No. You don't need to use your elbow to try to sneakily rub my boob. That's not snuggling. That's harassment. This couch is a hostile environment.'
Ian: 'Awwww.'

May 27 - 'Hey, Mommy? What if Nana just tricked us into thinking she died so she could marry somebody else?'

Facebook Archive - April 2015

April 12 - 'Mommy, dirt's black! When it's brown, it's called soil.' #preschoolscience #duhmom

April 12 - Ian (age 5) is 49.5' tall and 76 lb.

April 13 - This seaweed salad from Costco is so expensive it may as well be shredded cash, but it's something green the 5yo will devour.

April 19 - Why does our son know all the lyrics to Fall Out Boy's 'Centuries'? People talk about parents nurturing their kids and steering them in the right direction, but we can't be with them every minute. Someone out there is teaching our kid this stuff. It takes a village, people, and the village needs to up its music game.

April 22- The great thing about letting the five year old dress himself is he's already prepped for Wacky Wednesday even though we forgot.

Facebook Archive - March 2015

March 1 - We were packing up at the hotel to head home from Ymir. 
Ian: 'Are we going home to the kitties? They should have hotels with kitties in them so you can still have a kitty when you go to an event. One for each person in the room would be good.'

March 4 - Ian: 'Mommy, do aliens exist?'
Me: 'Probably, we just haven't seen them yet.'
Ian: 'What about astronauts? Or do they just go up in space, land on the moon, stick a flag on it and say, 'This is our moon!' and then fly home?'
Me: 'Pretty much.'
Ian: 'BOR-ING!'

March 5 - Ian (watching Barbie): 'Mommy, my favorite color is pink and purple. And blue. And yellow. I like red and blue and green ... and black! That's my favorite color.'

March 5 - 

Ian (throwing his arms wide): 'I love pink and purple this much. But I love you all the way to VENUS, Mommy.' This makes up for whining about his t-shirt this morning. 

March 12 - Ian took forever to fall asleep last night, came back into our bed sometime around 1am, slept sideways with his razor sharp toe nails in my side, and sat up at 4am to declare, 'Mommy, I've changed my mind. I DO like bacon!'  Kids are weird.

March 14 - Ian: 'Who were the first teacher and student in the world? Or the first tree. Or the first boat. Ooh, or what was the first building in the whole world?'

Us: 'Those are hard questions. Nobody knows.'

Ian: 'Even your *phone* doesn't know? I'm asking questions nobody knows the answer to? Even scientists?!'

March 14 - Ian is nonplussed by Rage Against the Machine but giddy that we allow him to sing 'Shut Up and Dance With Me' when it comes on the radio.

March 19 - Ian (age 5 1/2) put himself to sleep last night in his own bed at 8pm. He also stayed in that bed all night until 6:15am this morning. He came over to our bed once I was already out of shower and dressed, carrying his iPad and asked for a few minutes of snuggles while Daddy showered. 

'I didn't get any snuggles last night because I slept all by myself, so I have to get my snuggles in this morning.' 

We have co-slept, bed shared, and room shared since he was born. That's 66 months. I have always said I figured he wouldn't still be in our bed all night until he left for college. Some of the nights in the last 66 months have been very long but overall the time has been short. I'm grateful that he has chosen to sleep solo on his own terms. I'm also grateful to have more room in our bed most nights. ﷯