Facebook Archive - December 2013

Dec 8, 2013 - We're playing "school" again and Teacher Ian just told me I am the best singer in chapel. Feeling pretty proud. Dec 9, 2013 - Every night, Ian comes to our bed somewhere between 1 and 5am to finish out his sleeping. Yes, it's crowded but those moments are precious to me. I remember being nine years old or so and sleeping with my mom until my dad would come to bed very late at night. He would carefully carry me to my bed and no one talked about when I was going to stay in my own room from dusk to dawn. It was just a phase and an acceptable one at that. I'm grateful my parents were so welcoming with their sleep space and it's something I hope Ian will enjoy as much as he needs.

Dec 11, 2013 - This morning in the car Ian wanted to play Wizard of Oz, meaning I was Dorothy and he was Toto. When we got to school he said coyly, "you know sometimes Dorothy would carry Toto ..." My kid weighs a lot more than that little terrier.

Dec 11, 2013 - "Toto" keeps asking if he can watch the Lizard of Oz again.

Dec 14, 2013 - The lady at the tree lot asked Ian what he wanted Santa to bring him and he said, "Santa can bring me whatever he wants." She noted that it was a pretty mature attitude to have regardless of age.

Dec 14, 2013 - Watching the Music Man with Ian. Love this. He just asked why there are only boys on the train of traveling salesmen.

Dec 18, 2013 - "Sing to me, Mommy. Sing me a lullaby and I won't whine about going to bed." Hard to argue with that. He also specifically requested "Daddy Sang Bass"

Dec 19, 2013 - "Hey, Mommy, remember when Dorothy was looking for Eddie M?" "Auntie" "No. Eddie M. She yells 'Eddie M! Eddie M!'"

Dec 21, 2013 - Woke up this morning when Ian rolled over and headbutted me in the nose so hard I saw stars. Co-sleeping is not for wimps.

Dec 22, 2013 - Ian keeps saying we're going to see the Nut-Kraken this afternoon and I don't really want to correct him.

Dec 22, 2013 - "Remember, Ian, when we go to the theatre there will be a lot of other people there so you can't talk a lot or you'll disturb them." "But, Mommy, I want to talk because I have a lot of words in me!"

Dec 24, 2013 - We are listening to Baby Got Back (as one does on Christmas Eve) and Ian thought the vinyl scratching sound was squirrels. Also, the word butt in any song = comedy gold.

Dec 26, 2013 - Ian rolls over in bed: "Hey, Mommy! Fart and dart rhyme!" And with that first declaration of the day I'm off to make pancakes.

Facebook Archive - November 2013

Nov 2, 2013 - Rich taught Ian that the trees turn orange for his birthday and I kind of don't want him to ever stop believing that. Nov 10, 2013 - Sunday morning at Panera and the young ladies at the table next to us are reading scripture to each other. Ian turns to me and at maximum volume asks, "Hey, Mommy, why did you say 'God dammit!' the other day?"

Nov 18, 2013 - Ian, singing his heart out: "Come on ring those bells! Light the Christmas tree. Jesus is the King. Born for you and me! Hey ... is *Jesus* the King?" I didn't bring up Ragnarr Blackhammer or William Thomas, though I'm sure they have their own songs.

Nov 19, 2013 - Ian: "Hey, Daddy! Motorcycles sound a little like they're farting."

Nov 26, 2013 - My 4yo doesn't sleep through the night. At 3am he stands next to the bed and drunk whispers, "HEY MOMMY. I PEED SO I CAN COME SNUGGLE WITH YOU."

Nov 29, 2013 - Ian declared that I'm the "fluffiest mommy ever" with "snugly nipples". Get this boy a job at Hallmark.

Facebook Archive - October 2013

Oct 9, 2013 - Ian is grumpy with me: "Why have you never taken *me* to Funkytown?!" #literallyrics Oct 10, 2013 - Ian was annoyed we didn't bring bedtime books for him so he's flipping through the Bible from the hotel nightstand and telling us the stories from inside.

Oct 13, 2013 - Sitting on the edge of the tub keeping Ian company in the bathroom per his request. Ian: "Mommy, when I'm done do *you* need to go potty?" Me: "No, I think I'm good." Ian: "Just try." Sigh. Touché dude. And so I'm typing this from the toilet.

Oct 18, 2013 - We left work at 3. It's almost 5 and we just emerged from the tunnel. Two hours to go 12 miles. As we came out of the tunnel into the sunlight, Ian said from the back seat, "Well, that was fun."

Oct 20, 2013 - Ian toured a fire truck today and the biggest mystery to him was the hand crank for the windows.

Oct 22, 2013 - Ian woke up excited that today is his BIRTHDAY! I asked him how he felt and he started rubbing his arms quizzically. Ninja turtle cookies have been delivered to school and Ian has already asked when he's going to turn 5. It seems 4 is the year we learn about patience.

Oct 28, 2013 - Ian has zero interest in carving jack-o-lanterns but desperately wants to pick out pumpkins to make pumpkin pie. George Powell and Rich Stryker would be proud.

Oct 28, 2013 - Ian, mourning our leaving the playground: "I wanna watch a movie on my iPad when we get home." Me: "Do you want to take a wagon ride?" Ian: "Yes. I want my iPad in the wagon." Me: "There's no wifi in the neighborhood so that won't work." Ian: "I WISH EVERYWHERE HAD WIFI!!" Me: "You and me both, bud."