In your eyes

I used to be self-conscious about my squinty-eyed smile. Have you ever tried to keep your eyes open while smiling if you're a squinty-eyed smiler? You look like you were in mid-smile and someone grabbed your ass. So over the years, I've learned to embrace the fact that my eyes disappear when I smile. I'm all >_< in Japanese emoticons.

But now I've noticed Ian smiling that way too, and it brings me great joy.

Smiles from the backseat

Just a nice reminder of him being my kid.

Mamaw's tree

I keep calling her Grandma, but Ian calls my mother Mamaw. And while I call my father Granddaddy in written form, Ian has decided that his name is Pop. So on Sunday we were at Home Depot and they had a ton of Christmas trees all lit up for sale. When I saw one that said specifically it was a "porch tree" I said it would be nice for Mamaw to have and Ian immediately started calling it Mamaw's tree. At 20% off, we of course had to get it.

So this evening we delivered Mamaw's tree to her and it's now on her porch. I worried that Pop would think of it as just more clutter but he quickly found an extension cord so we could light it up. Ian declared it PRETTY!

We look forward to visiting Mamaw's tree over the next few weeks (and possibly into the spring) and maybe Ian can help her decorate it.

Sleep schedules

The three of us woke up at 10am today. As in an hour after 9am and a full three hours after when we normally get up on "school days". Ian had gone to bed the night before at 11pm so it kind of makes sense that he slept 11 hours. And Rich and I didn't go to bed until almost 2 so we got a healthy 8 hours of sleep. But yeah, we're all supposed to be somewhere Monday morning at 8am. I wondered if we should try skipping Ian's nap today so that he would try to go to sleep earlier. But as Rich said, we would either have a cranky boy Monday morning or a cranky boy Sunday afternoon.

Magically, though, Ian and I decided to mow the lawn this afternoon and he fell asleep in the backpack on me as we rode around the yard for 45 minutes. That Briggs and Stratton induced nap was just the perfect amount to get him through the rest of the day but not have him up all night.

We had bubbles at 7:30, Mama Milk at 8 and he was asleep by 8:30. There was a brief bit of crying when the phone rang but he's back down for the count and I'm hoping Monday morning goes well for us all.