Fighting sleep

Ian is still on sort of a messed up schedule. From about 5am on he kept yelling things in his sleep about "No! My turn!" or "I want Thomas!" But he didn't actually get out of bed until close to 9 and by then he was in a great mood. We went to Hardee's for what seems like the first time in forever and he got to see all his buddies there in the old folks section. But mostly he just played with Grandma and Granddaddy for a bit this afternoon while we pressure washed the house.

I was sad to leave him today for my trip, but at least I can explain that Mommy is going on a trip on an airplane and that I'll be home in a couple of days.

Unfortunately, he did't nap until 3:30 and didn't even make it until 5:15 before he was back up. And then after all that he didn't go to bed until 10 after an hour of Daddy convincing him to give up and sleep. I'm hoping that this is all just because of his cold but it would be nice to not have him fight us to go to sleep while simultaneously rubbing his eyes in fatigue.

Most improvement over the course of a day

Ian woke up this morning on the wrong side of the bed. All during breakfast and errands he was alternately punchy and whiny. By 11am he was asking for mama milk and a blanket. We got home and he fell asleep in my arms but woke up when I tried to transfer him to bed. We tried again at 1 and he slept until 3. Then when I went to check on him we both fell asleep until 4:30! So I think he just needed some more sleep. Poor guy rallied this afternoon and did much better with Grandma and Granddaddy while Rich and I snuck out for dinner.

Rich is putting him to bed now at 10:30 and I'm fine with that. That's what Saturdays are for is to trash ones normal routine.

When we got home from dinner, he was watching Thomas on the computer with Granddaddy but we soon converted to a game of running across the living room into Mommy's arms and then dancing around to whatever country music was playing at max volume.

He just kept laughing and saying, "Go again, dancing?"

Hand turkeys

I am happy to report I made it home from Chicago by 8:30, just in time to sit in the recliner with Ian and have mama milk. After milk, he impressed me with his "skating" abilities as he slid around the living room in his sock feet. And there was some hockey as well. Today was parents day at school when they had a Thanksgiving "feast" for lunch. I was glad that Rich could go since it seems to have been well attended by parents. They had all the basic foods and there was even a display of artwork. The hand turkeys were my favorite.

Hand turkeys

I'm happy to be home with my little gobbler.