
Last night on the way home, Ian said, "I want cake." "You want cake? We don't have any cake, buddy."

"No, Mommy. I want Batman cape!"

So after bubbles and some mama milk we got out his Batman pajamas including the cape. I've never seen such happiness. And then, Daddy let him wear his Batman pajama shirt to school today and when they walked in all the kids started yelling "BATMAN!" and he nearly burst with excitement.

Here's our sleepy little Batman from last night. Note the utility belt (and drool on the pillow).

Sleepy Batman

School photos

Ian had his school photos a few weeks ago and we just got the proofs. Last year the photos were great and I was hoping for a repeat this year. But ... not so much.

Serious subject

Needless to say, we're not ordering any of these. Not unless we can photoshop a Rottweiler behind our little Demian.

I sent a sample to the grandparents so they could know we're on our own when it comes to holiday photos this year and my mother replied with:

The look of a corporate president's portrait that hangs in lobby.

Or like pictures from over a century ago, where a pose had to be held for long exposure photography.

Wonder what was on his mind - it makes you want to reach out and hug him to cheer him up.

Photographer should be charged with cruelty - to parents.

Five more minutes, Mom!

Our son is not a morning person. He is my kid in many ways, but in particular his penchant for sleeping late. I'm trying to get up earlier and get to the office, but no matter what time I set the alarm for, Ian wants to nurse from that moment until well after 7am. I woke up at 6:30 today but so did Ian and he nursed off and on until 7:15 when I demanded we get up. So yeah, I still didn't get to work early.

I just can't bring myself to get out of bed at 6am and if I have to choose between getting to work early and spending a little more quality time with my boy, he's going to win every time.

But maybe we can wok on slightly less snuggles and more getting up and dressed.