Yes man

Today marks the day when Ian says "Yes" instead of "yeah" or "uh huh" or just nods his head. No is a very familiar part of his vocabulary, but I was struck this evening by how many times he actually articulated the word Yes. Previously he would just repeat what you said if you asked him something ("Do you want juice?" "Juice!"). After months of No, Yes is music to my ears.

Saving time

Ian has really been a joy to be around lately. While everyone else was telling war stories of 5am wake up calls this morning as Daylight Saving Time came to an end, our son slept until 9am! That's including the time change so it was really like 10am! And he woke up mellow and happy and we had some Mama Nilk in the bed and then got dressed for McDonald's pancakes and a trip to Home Depot for a hedge trimmer. We visited Grandma and Granddaddy briefly and all went on a walk with the wagons. Then he fell asleep in my arms and once I got him home and transferred to bed, he slept for over two hours.

He talks so much! You can really get the idea of everything he's saying these days (or at least we can since we know his dialect). He asked to read books with Daddy and now they're going to bed right on time at 8:30pm. Really we couldn't have asked for a better Sunday with a time change.
