Busy day

Today we went to a birthday party. I'm not sure why people do crazy things like this but it was scheduled from 12-3 and everyone in this age bracket naps for 2 hours somewhere in that range. So we all just pulled up our boots and waded through it. Ian napped for 20 minutes on the way to the party. He rallied to wake up and had a grand time. They had a BOUNCE HOUSE (!) and while he was wary at first, by the time we left he was climbing and sliding and bouncing like a pro without me even in there or around.

Party time!

We rushed home to try to squeeze in a nap, but he was having none of it. So he napped for 10 minutes on the way home and then was up with Daddy all afternoon. We went over to Tom and Angela's for dinner at 6 and we just got home. He fell asleep in the car at 10:30. At several points this evening Daddy said, "I'm not sure how you're still conscious."

Here's hoping he sleeps well tonight. It was definitely a packed day, but he had a blast.

Cars go fast

Every time we get in the car, Ian says "Mommy?""Yes, Ian." "Cars go fast." "Yes, there are a lot of cars out too." "Be safe. Up or hold hands. Can't see you." "Yes, we need to be safe so if we're around cars we need to either get up or hold hands because they can't see you." "Am short." "Yeah, because you're short." "Buckle in!" "Yes, and we need to buckle in so that we're safe in the car." "No mama nilk in the car." "Yes, we can't have any mama milk while the car is moving cause that's not safe." "Dis" "Yes, but you can have your dis (blanket)." "Mommy?" "Yes, Ian?" "Cars go fast."

Chugga chugga

We had a bit of a bonding evening today since Daddy was feeling under the weather. It was fries and ketchup and BIG COW and Chick-fil-a followed by a trip to Grandma and Granddaddy's and then riding the tricycle around the living room. He wasn't acting tired and I didn't really want to force the issue if I already had a sick husband in the bed so we opted to surf the web. He likes Facebook because I can pull up pictures of all our friends but his favorite is the sing-a-long section of Thomas. I'm not allowed to sing too, but I can sneak in a video here and there.