Birth class reunion

This afternoon we had several folks over from our birth class for a reunion. We've done this a few times a year since all our kids were born and it's been great. I love to compare notes with other parents who have kids about the same age. We're all close enough that our children have similar interests but we can all learn a bit about what is in store for us in the weeks to come as some kids have done things others haven't. The weather held out and we had just enough food and there were minimal injuries. All in a all a great day.

As I told Rich, if it were any other party and no one had shown up by 45 minutes past the start time I would be worried. But with this gang, we all have oddly napping kids or meltdowns to tend to and we all understand. It's really freeing.

Ian trying to sword fight with Jude

I look forward to doing it again once the pool is warmer so we can all try to keep them all from drowning.


Ian recognizes Rich and I in photos and it sort of blows his mind to see photos and videos of himself. But he's figuring it out that he can be here in the flesh and also there inside the iPhone. When you ask who that little boy is, he will try to say "Ian." It usually sounds roughly like "yan" (one syllable). Today, though, he was trying to make it more of a two syllable word and it came out sounding more like "onion."

This would be where GrandDaddy feels justified in all his concerns that Ian would be hard to say. Let's hope his pronunciation improves before he tries to introduce himself to a girl in a bar.

Nuh! Dis!

It's fascinating what new words Ian learns each day. But it's also interesting to see what words he just flat out doesn't say. He knows what a blanket is. We ask if he wants his blanket and he nods his head. But in his world blanket = dis. Long (weeks) ago he came home from school calling everything "dis" because one of the other kids said dis instead of dat. But the blanket is the only thing that stuck. He also calls mama's milk "nuh". It used to be "nuh-nuh" which could be something close to nursing. But I never ask him if he wants to nurse. I always ask him if he wants milk and make the sign for it. And he replies "NUH!" and makes the sign back at me.

So most evenings we gather in the recliner or the bed for some nuh! and dis! before bed.