Big boy habits

Several milestones today. First kids meal (grilled cheese and broccoli which he ate all of!), first teeth brushing (well really he just chews on the brush) and first night of putting himself back to sleep. I don't see the sleeping thing to be a habit, but it was nice to watch him wake up, look around, access that he was okay, get comfy again and go back to sleep.

Who's crowding who?

I slept so hard last night I don't even remember moving Ian into bed with us. I just know at 4am I had finished nursing him and when I got up to pee, realized he was stretched out next to me and Tobias the cat was stretched out next to him upside down. Ian's leg was draped over Tobias' neck and they were both happy as could be. When I got back from the bathroom, I moved Ian back over to his crib so he wouldn't steal the cat's breath in his sleep.

Covering new ground

Ian has discovered how to climb things. Stools are his favorite and he's been using the nursing stool for getting up on the sofa himself. I stopped by Mom's with him this evening and he found a stool there too to climb on. So far his falls off the stools have not been that epic. But it's only a matter of time.

Nursing stool is now sofa climber

He has two bruises on his face today. One from slipping and hitting his face on the front of the stove. And the really big one is from our butthead dog totally bulldozing him down in her spastic attempts to go out back. She literally mowed him down and drove his face into the door frame. Bad dog!