Baby Ian!

We're in northern Virginia this weekend and surrounded by all the other kids. They are doting on him and carrying him around (which is no small feat). But they keep calling him Baby Ian. They've even got me doing it.

It just makes me wonder when he'll lose the moniker or if Baby Ian will be going to prom.

Drinking problem

I picked Ian up from day care today at 5:59pm because I'm that parent. But rather than chide me for deserting my child, Ms. Barb just asked me, "does Ian drink from a sippy cup much at home?" I knew where this was going. Everyone at day care is very worried about Ian getting enough fluids. And Ian is not a sippy cup fan. We've tried tons of designs but he just plays with them all.

He will drink from a straw you hold for him. He will drink from a regular cup if you help him. But sippy cups just aren't his style.

Ms. Barb said that someone asked her why Ian was still sitting at the table if he'd finished his yogurt. She blurted out, "because I want that child to drink SOMETHING today." No luck.

So we'll have to find him a sippy cup tutor.

Strength in numbers

We went to pick up Ian today after work. If we go together, my job is to hang with him while Rich gets all his stuff from the room. If Ian sees me and then sees me walk away, he flips out, so this system works best. Surprisingly, when I showed up he was pretty chill about it all. But one of the twins (Makenzie? yeah, the one with one top knot vs pigtails) toddled over to me and wanted me to pick her up. I stooped down to her and was suddenly swarmed with toddlers. It was like a zombie movie, all drool and unintelligible noises and slow moving bodies. Isabella decided to set up camp in my lap. Ian thought this was okay at first but then came over and tried to hug us both. Then he hugged a little more and was pushing at Isabella. His happy grin was turning into a grimace. So I propped him up on the other leg while the twins circled around me. When Rich came back with Ian's bag I was covered in toddlers.

Now I see why the ratio in day care is four to one. Any more than that and I'd be like Gulliver's Travels.