Monkey see, monkey do

Anything Ian has a question about, he points to and asks "Gah?" Gah means lots of things. But he kept pointing behind my head in Panera this evening and I finally figured out he saw a painting of a dog way up on the wall. He looked at me and said "meow?" "No, that's a dog. Dogs say 'woof'".

He proceeded to woof quietly and contemplatively all through dinner and the way home.

He's also started pretending to do things. The first thing he did was pretend to put something in his mouth and eat it, which kind of alarmed me because I was immediately looking for what safety pin or prescription medication he had found on the floor to eat. But no, he was just pretending to snack on things, putting his fingers to his lips and making smacking noises.

When it was bath time, I did my typical thing of getting in with him and fishing out all of my long hairs to rest on the edge of the tub so they won't go down the drain. I pinch them in the water and then drape them on the side of the tub. After a bit, Ian started pinching the water and touching the tub ledge. Pinch and drape, pinch and drape. He had no idea what I was doing, but he was gonna give it a try too.

This is one of the best parts is just watching his brain work right before our eyes!

Sleep report

I'm happy to report the sidecar crib worked great last night. We just need to stuff a few extra pillows in the crack between mattresses. But I was able to swing over into the crib to nurse a few times last night and otherwise have the bed for just me and Rich. The things we'll do to all get good sleep.

It's the time change weekend but thankfully our son sleeps in on the weekend so he was up at 7:15 and happy to read in bed.

He actually pointed at a cat in a book and after his typical meow said "kitty". Alert the ivy leagues! Boy genius!

More adventures in co-sleeping

We tried out a new sleeping arrangement last night. Rich dragged the futon into the bedroom and slept on that, thinking that if he didn't touch Ian he wouldn't wake up.

Rich kicked out of bed

I don't know that it made much difference and it just made me miss my husband. Ian is still in our bed, though, because with the four top teeth coming in at once that we discovered this morning he is fussy at night and nursing helps him sleep.

And I'm not getting out of bed four times a night to take him out of a crib and nurse him. No way.

But I don't want my husband sleeping on the floor either. So we came up with a new plan. It was a pain in the ass and I'm somewhat surprised Rich agreed to it, but we dragged the "spare crib" upstairs and stuck it next to the bed like a side car. The theory is that Ian can spread out over there but I can still easily nurse him.

We managed to get the crib out of the office by taking the door off. And we managed to get it up the stairs in one piece until we got to the top and it wouldn't round the corner. So we had our teething toddler roaming all over the upstairs desperately trying to help and the damn cat Tobias also trying to help. At one point, the crib was jammed in the top of the stairwell, Ian was reaching through the bars to get out and Tobias was reaching through the bars to get in.

So we disassembled the crib on the fly, dragged it over to the bed, changed the height, reassembled it and prepped it for bed. Wish us luck tonight!

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